
african american female
applying early action
major:systems bio
sat:1160 (taking it again)
total ap classes:5
total dual enrollment courses: 2

school board representative
vp of deca chapter
vp of sca
class council
national honor society
national english honor society
national technical honor society
interact club
medical club
improv troupe
green team

My daughter got in with similar stats last year. But please keep in mind it’s impossible to answer “chance me’s” accurately. Every year, every single college tries to create a freshman class with a diverse mix of gender, race, orientation, and major. This is a tricky thing to do. No college wants 6,000 white male freshmen engineers. They want a cohesive class with kids from all walks and all interests and all majors. They want science and math geeks, yes, but they also want foreign language majors, philosophy majors, forestry majors, and artists. That’s what makes colleges tick. My advice to you is be really psyched about three colleges. I mean really psyched as in you would be thrilled to attend any of them. I watched way too many of my parent friends freak out because their child didn’t get into their dream school. If you have several dream schools then you will walk out of this process a happy camper.