Vtech admissions

I’m a high school student from the NOVA area and I was wondering what are my chances of getting into Vtech as “undecided”

  • ACT= 28
    -GPA= 3.89 weighted
  • took 3 AP’s in my high school career (AP French, AP gov, AP environmental science)
  • travelled to the US freshmen year without speaking any English what so ever
  • secretary of the French honor society junior year
  • Vice President of the French honor society senior year
  • played soccer and achieved a 3.8 unweighted GPA or above while playing soccer sophomore year.
    -President of the Math honor society in my old French school
    -Took AP arabic in my old school
  • member of the French club.
    Is this enough to get me into Vtech ?

you should be fine, I got in with a 3.8 weighted GPA, 26.5 ACT, 1700 SAT 1180Reading/math. Just make sure you do all 3 essays. I also didn’t do any recommendations. One of the admission officers said to only use recommendations as explanations to bad grades or disciplinary records.

Alright perfect thanks !