Vtech Engineering(honors) VS. William and Mary(business)

<p>Title self-explanatory. Very very very very confused about which school to attend. Social life at Vtech is much better than wm, but how is engineering program. I plan on doing ISE, and minoring in business if i do go to tech, but business at w&m. Any thoughts?</p>

<p>If you want to be a engineer, schoose Tech</p>

<p>If you want to be a businessman, choose between tech and WM</p>

<p>tech's ISE is number 5in nation. if u want business minor its like 3-4 extra classes with ISE. so its worth coming here. but ask compgeek on cc btw, he is an ISE major</p>

<p>Business minor is 2 extra classes added to the curriculum. And yes the ISE department here is the top-ranked in the College of Engineering. I would whole-heartedly say go with VT not just for the academics, but for the sense of community, social life, and ability to get jobs. ISE majors here get co-ops/internships/jobs like crazy. I personally think ISE sets you up better for a management position than a major in business.</p>