Waitlist experiences

<p>So I dropped Math 221 (scored a 5 on the AP Calc exam so I don't need it) for the fall 2011-2012 term, dropping my credit load from a nice 17 credits to a seemingly lazy 12. I'm having a VERY difficult time finding another class to fit nicely with my other classes. I did however get onto the waitlist of Psych 210, the psychology stats course. Are waitlists pretty much a joke at Madison (I have no chance of getting in the class?) What has your experience been with waitlists? Is there anything else I can do to help find a class to bump up my credit load?</p>

<p>As far as I know, waitlist is as good as being locked out of a class. </p>

<p>Also, as a psych major, let me tell you that most psych courses fill up QUICKLY, especially since all potential psych majors have to take Psych 210. I really wouldn’t get your hopes up.</p>

<p>I’d find some class that interests you to bump up your credit load.</p>

<p>Alright. Are there any classes that you would reccomend?</p>

<p>Update: totally overlooked psych 509. Nabbed the last seat! Thanks for the answer though, I probably would have just waited until the wait list request went through.</p>

<p>I’ve heard 509 is good, lots of work though. I’ll be in its sister class, psych 511. Taught by the same prof and everything. Good luck! </p>

<p>Also let me know if you have any questions about the psych program at UW or anything at all!</p>