waitlisted students-"fax document" boxes

<p>if you're on the waitlist, please tell me whether or not you have these boxes on your "where am i in the process?" page. the following link is a screenshot of my page.</p>

<p>ImageShack</a> - Image Hosting :: asdfadsfax.jpg</p>

<p>thanks for replies!</p>

<p>I have no Fax document boxes :S</p>

<p>The image showed shows your fax document things to be under received documents by the university. you must have sent something by fax to the uni, and they are acknowledging they receiving it</p>

<p>^ I sent my documents by fax but all i have is Wailtist Interest Letter received.</p>

<p>lemonpartylover couldve probably sent some recomendation letter or something by fax ? i dont know…im just guessing. i dont have anything of this sort either on my account</p>

<p>I think we already established that the Where Am I in the Process? page is completely arbitrary and irrelevant to your decision.</p>

<p>both my interest letter and reccomendation letter were sent by mail.</p>