
<p>Now what? Honestly would like to hear from anyone out there who knows more about this and what are the chances of getting off the list?</p>

<p>I would say your chances at getting off the waitlist are a lot better at TCU than at most colleges based on the information contained in their 09-10 common data set. They waitlisted 481 applicants and 264 of those accepted a place on the waitlist. Of those 264, 152 were admitted. So, statistically, you stand a pretty good chance of getting in, relative to most colleges, assuming you continue to demonstrate your interest. First, you need to officially notify them of your desire to accept a place on the waitlist. Then, I would contact your admissions rep by email and let them know that you are still very interested and would definitely enroll at TCU if they offer you admittance off the waitlist. If your midterm grades from this semester are good, (and by that I mean at least as good as the last transcript they have) I would attach a copy with the email. I would also wait a week or two and call your rep and thank them for going to bat for you, which they no doubt did or you would have been flat out denied, and just verbally reiterate what you sent in the email. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank you!!! I will follow up!</p>

<p>IMHO: Chances of coming off the waiting list are SLIM: TCU received 19,000 applications, they accepted approx 55% (that is over 10,000 students), for the freshman class for 2011, which is 1,700 students.
That means more than 8,000 admitted students have to turn TCU down, before they reach into their waiting list.
I would put my name in the waiting list, but would not hold my breath waiting for an acceptance.</p>

<p>Thanks for responding, just wondering where you received the info about 10,000 admission letters, that seems like an awful lot and a risk, since they only have 1700 slots.</p>

<p>Tuitionsaver, I think your information is incorrect. The following information was provided to us from TCU in a scholarship letter.</p>

<p>“TCU received close to 19,000 applications, admission was limited to about 7,000 students in order to achieve the 1,800 student goal for Fall 2011.”</p>

<p>So that is more like a 37% acceptance rate. Quite different from last year.</p>

<p>BRN2RUN, I would recommend to go on the waitlist. Send a letter with all that you have accomplished since submitting your application. Attached a great reference letter from a teacher or from one of your EC or your employer. Ask your counselor to make a phone call on your behalf and put in a good word for you. It does not cost you anything to go on the waitlist. Don’t give up and keep on fighting!!! Have a back up plan and be prepared. If TCU extend you an invitation by May 15, you will have the choice to accept it or decline it.
Giving up is the easy way out!!!</p>

<p>The 10,000 admitted students was a rough calculation based on US news data from last year indicating TCU accepted 59% of applicants.
Sending 7,000 acceptances makes more sense. Still, 5,300 students have to turn them down, before they reach into they waiting list…to me that is still a slim chance.</p>

<p>TCU accepted around 52% of applicants in 2010.
59% is the accepted amount from 2009. </p>

<p><a href=“HugeDomains.com”>HugeDomains.com;

<p><a href=“HugeDomains.com”>HugeDomains.com;

<p>Just curious, what are your stats?</p>

<p>i heard they accepted 7,000-8,000 but that’s still a lot</p>

<p>Here is a link to an article published in the LA Times last weekend. Based on that article, students are applying to a lot more colleges, which mean they are more likely to be accepted to more colleges. In the end, they will only attend one!! </p>

<p>[College</a> admissions: Students continue trend of applying to more colleges - latimes.com](<a href=“http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-college-admit-20110315,0,6164952.story]College”>http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-college-admit-20110315,0,6164952.story)</p>

<p>As I said before, have a backup plan but don’t give up so easily.</p>

<p>Thank you! Have learned much about the waitlist over the last month, do have a back up plan, but TCU remains #1 </p>

<p>Thank you again !!!</p>

<p>Yep…chances were slim, but My DS got in!!! Even slim chances are worth a bet…that is the reason I buy lottery tickets :-)</p>

<p>Congrats tuitionsaver! Also just heard that TCU is now dipping into their wait list per the parent forum. Wow. I’m really surprised because they had such a huge application pool and they accepted so many students too. I think this year is going to be a strange year for the colleges because so many students applied to many different colleges but in the end they can only pick one. So these colleges may be scrambling?</p>

<p>Our regional admissions rep personally told me that the admissions rate for TCU this year was 31%. A HUGE difference from the 50-something% of 2010. All schools are dipping into their wait lists. USC already has moved some Spring admits to Fall, UCSD took kids off the waitlist two weeks ago (a top 10 U.S. public school). I agree with thewong that kids applied to more schools this year than ever.</p>

<p>Hi Rice1961. The admissions rate is lower simply because they won the Rose Bowl. They surely got a lot of publicity for that. :)</p>

<p>newjersey17 I’d kind of like to point out that they won the rose bowl in late december, admissions we’re almost all done by that point in time. I highly doubt that there was a huge influx in applications in january after TCU won. In fact my admissions counselor told me most of those apps were in by november so i think TCU is just becoming a more popular school independent of it’s football program (which doesn’t hurt it =])</p>

<p>You’re wrong, sorry. I’m not a jerk I promise, just blunt :)</p>

<p>We had a HUGE, like, MASSIVE influx of applications after the Rose Bowl. It was a lot easier to get in pre-Rose Bowl than post-Rose Bowl because of the crazy amount they received for the spring.</p>

<p>Also, I see you’re from Kansas. If you recognize my screen name, then you’ll realize I am too.</p>

<p>Feel free to shoot me a private message if you have any questions, you made a GREAT decision in choosing TCU as your college.</p>

<p>Hey, I know this thread is outdated but I was curious if any of you know how TCU contacts you if you are taken off the waitlist. I am currently anxiously awaiting my decision!!! Thanks:)</p>


<p>You can always contact the admissions office at TCU. I’m sure they’ll be happy to answer any question you may have!</p>