Waive UM Health Insurance

Did anyone ever succeed waiving the health insurance of UM? I mean replace UM initial health insurance with another one, cause I feel like almost never ever using the insurance so $176 per month is totally a monthly waste to me. :blush:

If your parent has a plan, your can get coverage through them if you are 26 or under. Otherwise Obamacare open enrollment starts Nov 15th. If you are moving to a new residence (if you don’t commute to school) you can enroll in Obamacare under the Special Enrollment provision. You are stuck buying insurance whether you want to or not, the University will not waive it.

You are required to have insurance. Are you covered through a parents’ insurance? If they don’t have insurance, you can get it on your own for much cheaper than 176/month but you also might have to get Medicaid instead, depending on income.
