Wake Forest Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Can anyone give me an idea of how Wake recalculates GPA? I’ve seen multiple ways that colleges do it and curious if anyone knows about Wake Forest. Naviance says she is on the high end for GPA (and SAT) for acceptances to Wake from her school, but I don’t know how reliable that data is. Driving myself crazy on a Saturday is all… LOL
Thank you!

I don’t believe WF recalculates GPA

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So whatever is on the transcript is what they use?

I don’t know that for a fact, but my son is interested in WF. I have not found anything on their admission pages that mention GPA recalculation. Other schools mention only using the 5 main subject areas or not using 9th grades academics in recalculation.

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Same! I see that for UGA and Emory, don’t see it for Wake. Is your son applying ED2 or RD?

He is a junior, we are going to visit UNC, Duke and Wake this summer

Did anyone get a welcome packet mailed to them after acceptance? Just curious because we haven’t gotten anything from them and my daughter was admitted at the end of October.

We got a copy of the acceptance letter and a page of stickers. I did google and found a web page for accepted students https://earlydecision.newstudents.wfu.edu/

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That was the case for my daughter last year. She received all kinds of welcome loot and “we are so excited to welcome you!!” from other colleges, but Wake was her first choice, so she applied ED. We were over the moon excited that she had been accepted, but the fanfare on their end was seriously lacking! It was kind of a downer that they didn’t do anything compared to the other schools she was admitted to. It was literally just the letter saying to pay your enrollment deposit and a few stickers. I actually thought about reaching out to admissions about it, but didn’t. I get that they don’t have to lure you if you apply ED, but it sure would be nice to feel that they are just as excited to have your kid there as your kid is to be there.


We got stickers too for D21 and S24. That hasn’t changed in years. Don’t take it personally lol.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the WFU admissions staff is a little overwhelmed right now. I heard that ED applications for Fall 2023 were up over 20% YOY, following a similar increase for 2022.

We’re taking a high school junior over there this weekend to visit and there are no tours until mid-February. Interviews are only available for applicants now and are all virtual, which is a change from past years. Given their holistic application review process and the increase in interest, it must be all hands on deck for them.

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Any intel on when ED 2 results will come out? Does anyone know the the total number of ED1 and ED2 applications for Fall 2023 admission?

in recent years ED2 has been released the evening Friday before the February 15 response timeline. My best guess is this coming Friday, Feb 10th.

I think that too. I get so nervous just thinking about it. ED1 really scarred us when she got rejected, but I guess at this point we can just hope for the best. Anyone else applying ED2 on this board?

Any ED2 news?

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So it looks like ED2 will be released as expected on 2/15?

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Friday would have been have been kinder than mid week. My guess is that they have so many applications they couldn’t get them out any earlier. Sigh.

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They said that the earliest they would release was Feb. 15

Actually, they said Feb. 15 and no later.

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Last 2 years they released the Friday before Feb 15th, though they had the same Feb 15th date. In some of their info on line they specifically state " mid February, no later than Feb. 15."

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