Wake Forest vs U Miami for Business & Music

Son undecided, likely business major with music minor
wants to be in marching band and several music ensembles

Wake is half the cost for us after aid/merit!

Son prefers Miami because both of his music instructors went there
We don’t like the cost and the lack of housing.

Wake is better ranked and half the cost, seems an easy decision. Has your son visited Wake? Maybe admitted students day will address his concerns about music program.


We loved Wake and know students there who are very happy. If Wake is the lower cost option, that would seal the deal for me. And they have a highly ranked business school.

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From what I understand, you’ll like the cost less when moving off campus. College costs more than people think, then they tell you - especially in a place like Coral Gables.

And I go to Coral Gables for work - beautiful area - but I can’t buy a meal within my per diem ($18 for lunch).

It’s really really really really pricey.

Both meet need - interested in how you got to half price at Wake.

But it’s time to tell your son about tradeoffs in life - and that life is long.

Sometimes you have to go to plan B so you don’t bankrupt mom and dad or impact our retirement - and oh by the way, if you want to eat out once in a while or go on a spring break trip with your friends, you can do that in Winston Salem - but in Coral Gables…you eat dining hall food every emal for the resto f your life, never come home during the year, and never go on spring break. then again, it is spring break there so that part might not work.

but you get the idea.

I’d prefer Miami too - forgetting the rank. But not at double the price.

Op says her son got merit at Wake.

said aid/merit - but that would be a lot of aid to be half and both meet need (although meet needs schools do so differently).

Miami gives much more merit than Wake…so that was interesting to me is all that Miami would be double the price.

But there’s always “execptions” that don’t make sense.

Have him research and compare the music options at both schools.

Just picked up on this line - missed it the first time. I get, U Miami has a great music program.

But where a teacher went shouldn’t be the reason a student goes.

A student needs to visit both, see all the offerings, and make a decision for themselves.

I’m sure there are music teachers out there who went to Wake too.

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