Walk-on tryouts at University of Arizona

<p>Does the University of Arizona hold Walk-on tryouts for their basketball team? </p>


<p>Good luck with bumping Nick Johnson from the roster though, beardown!</p>

<p>If playing basketball is really something you want to do, you should contact the coach first before thinking you can just show up at a tryout.</p>

<p>Most D1 schools have tryouts for their teams whether or not they actually have any roster spots open. In order to attend tryouts you will need to complete paperwork and a physical ahead of time and have it on file with the Athletic office. Tryouts for many winter/spring sports take place in the first two weeks of school, so you need to know what the date is ahead of time to be ready to attend. There will not be anything publicly advertised because they already have a full team, but just in case they have managed to miss a major talent in their recruiting efforts they will let you come and try out. </p>

<p>In the case of my son (different sport) about three years ago, there were 14 people trying out (all successful HS athletes who had competed at the state level) for one roster spot and only one was invited back for an additional two weeks of practice with the team, not sure if they made it past that. The odds are very small, but not zero. However, you will have to make yourself known to the coaching staff to even find out when tryouts are scheduled to take place</p>