<p>hey guys wanna Play some Tug of Peace.</p>
<p>How does one play "Tug of Peace?"</p>
<p>Thats what some of the Democrats want to call the game Tug of War, and not keep a score. ****ing sick bastards</p>
<p>Hey goat4d, way to totally ruin your credability. No news story about this issue talks about it being a partisan issue.</p>
<p>... Ok then... That's interesting, I suppose. I thought you meant some sort of forum game... I don't really understand what the point of that was.</p>
<p>I think he might wanted to rank about [sarcasm]"those damn liberals taking over the country and pussifying our country! Grr...I'm Bill O'Reily's henchmen!!"[/sarcasm]</p>
<p>you people will end up destroying this country till it will be a darn wasteland.</p>