Want to apply to occupational therapy program BUT...

<p>I'm currently a college sophomore right now and I'm going to transfer to University of Buffalo. I want to apply to their OT program, which is a BS/MS program (5yrs).
My big problem is that I failed my anatomy and physiology class. </p>

<p>Background story as to why I failed it so badly...
( I ALWAYS have good study habits--I study every day and spend all my free time in the school library. I don't make time to hang out with friends or go to parties. </p>

<p>I wanted to become an occupational therapist and I really believed I could succeed in becoming one since I was so confident that my academic ethics and study habits would help me achieve my goal. I knew that since I was sure of my goal, I would give it my all and WORK HARD to get it. </p>

<p>But I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to get into the program because the other students in my class seemed so much smarter and brighter than me.Because of my worry and panicking, I didn't spend my time studying for anatomy and instead use the time to figure out if I was even good/smart enough and researching backup plans. Instead of focusing on the NOW, I worried about my future and it cost me my grade. )</p>

<p>So now I've felt like I've hit rock bottom and I feel like a complete failure. I feel like I can't get into any OT program since I failed this anatomy course.</p>

<p>I really want to achieve this but I already failed my anatomy course so I don't even know if they'll even consider me. Should I opt for another major? Is there any remote possibility for me to retake the class and still be able to get into the program?</p>

<p>My D is a 4th yr OT at UB. The A&P classes required for OT majors are separate classes so it’s unlikely that the class you took would have met that requirement anyway. UB can be quite picky about the OT pre-reqs so it’s probably better to just take them there anyway. She said you would likely be accepted by UB if you meet the normal transfer requirements but everyone has to meet the OT pre-reqs before being accepted into their OT program. If you’re not familiar with the OT specific prereqs, PM me and I’ll send you a link. Good luck!</p>

<p>Hi sk8ermom, I couldn’t PM you so I sent you an email!</p>