Want to know if i should apply

<p>So im taking a Mandarin class for school for my language requirement and there doing a trip to China to learn more about the culture and language. They did this last year but i didnt apply because i had to take summer classes and there doing it again this year but im debating if i should apply.</p>

<p>Are you asking this as a Hispanic student or did you post on the wrong forum?</p>

<p>I am a hispanic student and my teacher said it would look great on my college application since where i live it would be harder to get into college so i was wondering if i should apply</p>

<p>Sure, apply if you’re interested in doing the trip and can afford it (or the cost is covered). However, don’t apply if you’re only doing it because “it will look great on college applications”. You aren’t going to get anything from the trip if you’re not interested in it - though I can’t imagine how a trip to China would not interest someone.</p>

<p>The summer programs that are given the most weight on college applications are those that have competitive admissions (eg. TASP, MIT Mites, etc.) and there is no program cost.</p>

<p>The more expensive ‘pay to play’ programs are good in the sense to giving you more exposure to a field of interest, supporting your ECs in a specific area, giving you a possible topic to write about in an essay, etc., but IMO are not extremely impressive in admissions.</p>

<p>I would love to go and its very competetive because only 10 or 186 people can go and my teacher says i qualify the only problem is that i feel like ill be home sick</p>

<p>I mean 10 out of 186 can go</p>