<p>Hi I'm currently a junior in high school and I was wondering where I should be aiming in terms of colleges based on my grades and extracurriculars since I'm getting literally zero help from guidance Counselors. </p>
<p>I'm female and Indian
3.9 GPA unweighted 4.3 weighted
Junior in high school
201 on PSAT first try. Still need to take SATS.
After my senior year I will have taken five ap classes and many honors classes
I'm very interested in biology and biomedical engineering possibly as a major</p>
<p>Extracurriculars :
Over 200 hours volunteering at a summer camp
Around 15 hours at many special Olympics clinics
Piece in district art show
Volleyball, 3 years varsity
Volleyball captain for two years
Job as a camp counselor
Tutoring society club
Environmental club
Track and field </p>
<p>Ignore the top 40 schools and look at the second 40. Spend a day coming up with a list of 6 schools that look like good fits for you, as best you can tell from a liquid crystal display. Run the Net Price Calculators on these 6. The NPC will deliver an Estimated Family Contribution–what it is your family is expected to pay. Take that info back to your parents and see what they say about their ability to afford these schools. Then look for schools within the parameters of your parents’ ability to pay from within the second 40. Come see us again when you have an SAT score and a list of 15 schools you’re interested in from the second 40 and which your family can afford. You can always try to get into a couple of schools in the top 40 which you can afford, but they can be your reach schools, the least important of the schools to which you’ll apply. Keep up the strong work in school.</p>