War in Israel / Gaza (Non-political Thread)

I’m somewhat shocked that there isn’t a thread on what is happening in Israel. I’m glued to CNN and I can’t believe what is happening. Praying for the citizens of Israel. Women, children and the elderly killed and taken hostage.


This is a very sad situation. We know folks with family there and we are all waiting to hear that they are safe.


This is a very hard and sad situation for so many people.

Please understand, some folks don’t have access to Israeli sources. Folks should feel free to get the news any way they choose to.

This whole situation makes me sad, and worried.


There are many Israeli sources in English. I recommend YNETNEWS.COM. Going to the source is always the best to get info.

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Reminder to posters that CC is supposed to be a friendly and welcoming place.

Also, please do not derail the thread in an argument over sources of news.


Times of israel. Ynet. I read them both daily.


CC is about other things too, especially in the Parent Cafe. But the goal is to be informative and communicate with others in a productive way. When posts start being heavily edited and/or removed, there is a reason.

I believe it is going to be very difficult for this particular topic to stay within boundaries of the Forum Rules and TOS. We will continue to monitor it. If it ends up being put on a timer or closed, it will be due to posters not complying with Forum Rules or TOS, one of which is that mod actions are not up for discussion in forum posts.

If posts are flagged, mods will review and take appropriate action, or not. Those who don’t agree with the policies are free to not comment on this thread.


I don’t understand what can possibly be discussed on this topic outside the Politics Forum.

There’s a thread in the Politics Forum to discuss. Some users met prefer to focus on the human element in this thread. Or they can post on the other thread.

My guess is this thread will be short-lived


Agree. There is nothing to discuss here… It is scary and terrible situation.

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Pray for the innocent and may vengeance be delivered to those who deserve it.


I’m gutted, truly gutted. I spent the entire year, 2005, and the bulk of 2006 co-producing, co-directing and more, an award winning short film about the violent circle of hatred in Israel. Today’s news out of Israel, sadly, makes this film as poignant as ever. I’m extremely proud of the Peace in Filmmaking award we won in Hollywood.

From our press release: The Unbroken Circle tells the “true to life” story of an Israeli family and a Palestinian family, in Israel. Their young sons, hospitalized from injuries in the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, are the catalyst for an unexpected bond. Despite each family’s pledge to foster peace among their people, there is a poignant and gut-wrenching twist to the story that is reflective of the real struggles endured in their daily lives. The Unbroken Circle is a story of the times. The circle of violence must be broken.


From our Rabbi:

Our hearts are breaking as Israel faces an unprecedented deadly attack by Hamas on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, during the joyous holiday of Simchat Torah. Our joy has turned to tears, but our resolve is unbreakable. All across Israel, religious and secular, right and left, Israelis are united in their determination to defend their country. Jews across the world are likewise united in our support of Israel. We applaud President Biden and all leaders who stand by Israel in this time of war, shock and grief.

In the early morning hours today, my husband Rob Eshman, a senior columnist at the Forward interviewed my brother David Levy, an Israeli who lives just minutes from Gaza and who lost a dear friend in the surprise attack last night. He spoke with Rob as air-raid sirens wailed overhead.

Click here to read Rob’s opinion piece in the Jewish Forward.

Here is a Prayer I have written for Israel in this Time of War

A Prayer for Israel in this Time of War

By Rabbi Naomi Levy

God, our Strength and Protection, we pray for the State of Israel in this devastating time of war, shock and grief. Our hearts are breaking, God. We pray for the lives of the innocent civilians who have been brutally kidnapped by Hamas, watch over them, God. We pray for the lives of the soldiers who have been taken captive, shelter them, God. We pray for the souls of the victims who were slaughtered. Send comfort and strength, God, to the grieving. Send healing to the injured, and strength and wisdom to their doctors and nurses. We pray for all our brothers and sisters in Israel in this time of crisis.

Watch over Israel, God, spread Your shelter of peace over the land and over all our brothers and sisters who live there. Shine Your light upon Israel’s leaders, officers and advisers, innocent blood is calling out to them to overcome all divisiveness and to act with clarity and determination. Protect the men and women who defend Israel, let them be safe and may they be victorious over the Hamas terrorists who attacked our people. Watch over them, God. Hear their prayers. Bring peace, God. Let it rain down from the heavens like a mighty storm. Let it wash away all hatred and bloodshed. Peace, God, please, God.

God of the brokenhearted, God of the living, God of the dead, gather the souls of the victims into Your eternal shelter. Let them find peace in Your presence, God. Their lives have ended, but their lights can never be extinguished. May they shine on us always and illuminate our way.


Let peace come soon,


Rabbi Naomi Levy


Seeing horrific videos on Telegram - unimaginable horrors

I hope you hear soon. We have heard that 3 extended family members (a mother and 2 daughters) are missing and assumed to be among the hostages but it isn’t confirmed. I don’t know which is worse because the alternative might be that they are dead on the side of the road. Perhaps they are hiding. But they would have contacted someone. We are just waiting and in the dark right now.

We have a big extended family there and can understand how terrible this is. DD is scared for her cousins and watched so many scary videos today… I told her stop watching news and any transmitted videos or she would loose her mind… We can just hope for the best. Our thoughts with you :heart:.

I got back from Israel Friday night; when I woke on Saturday, I could not believe what I was seeing/reading. I don’t know why, but in a strange way, I feel a bit traumatized It’s a strange feeling, because I was not there.

I really don’t understand the cruelty and hatred directed towards innocent people.

I’m not Jewish and don’t know the history of Israelí nor Muslim cultures, but we were always taught as children, by our catechists, that “Jesus spoke in the temple.” That “he” was part of our faith. We were taught that he was GOOD and spoke to all children. At those ages, we played with everyone. I didn’t find out that my HS friends were Jewish until they told us about Chabat.

We were ALSO taught that Allah was peaceful. Didn’t get a lot of info about that faith until I had a “secular” religious course at my Catholic university. I had a phenomenal grad school classmate who is Muslim.

So, I don’t get the why of all of this? It’s just plain EVIL and against any religious teachings that I know of even “an eye for an eye”.


In every war there are innocent people who are just trying to live their lives, who get caught up in the mess and tragedy. I work with someone who is Muslim and they are against what Hamas is doing to Israel.


Google Article 7 of the Hamas Covenant and read it all the way through (it’s short).