War in Israel / Gaza (Non-political Thread)

There has been a discussion elsewhere that the embassy currently seems overwhelmed. Hopefully they will get the help they need. And hopefully congress will return and get the new ambassador approved and over to Israel.


The Atlantic’s coverage of the war has been illuminating. Highly recommend.

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Sadly it’s times like this that I too worry about security and nut jobs that can’t control themselves. :disappointed::broken_heart:


My heart breaks for Israel. My oldest is a high school teacher at private Jewish school in Dallas and reports that she has students that went to Israel for the holidays and are now unable to leave because of flights being canceled. I don’t understand why the US isn’t facilitating the evacuation of US students.

I also want all the names of the Harvard students that signed petitions supporting the terrorist invasion of Israel to be made public. If you are willing to sign your name to a petition because it’s a what you believe in, you should be willing to be named publicly. It’s cowardly to sign a petition to making a public declaration but also expect amenity. I am not Jewish but I stand with Israel! (and if this wasn’t against CC TOS I’d post my name proudly!)


I’ve already seen reporting of Harvard students who had their name attached to the petitions/statements who didn’t agree to the statement and have resigned from the organizations that put their names on the statements (noisy withdrawal). I hesitate for lists like those to get released as the possibility that innocent people who didn’t sign those petitions get falsely associated with them.


One from NYU law school was disclosed and their employment offer was rescinded.



This made sense to me, it was a public statement unambiguously associated with the person making it.

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Agreed! I’m glad to see consequences.


If the names aren’t released, how would they know their names were added without their consent? Bravo to the students that resigned form organizations that falsely signed their names to these petitions. The more noise they make about it the better!


Sent you PM explaining.

This article has more details about the content of the message the student posted. Disgusting!


Unfortunately, many colleges are involved in hate events against Israel. I did not expect such outbursts from Harvard and NYU. Shame on both.


I think it should be college 101 to teach kids not to sign anything (or allow anything to be signed on their behalf) before they read and understand what they are signing.


Apparently the inside very large theater and the smaller theaters were full and thousands were outside as well.


Our friends’ son, a college freshman, is still stuck over there. His mom said he should get home by this weekend, but she didn’t provide any details. She is literally not sleeping. :frowning:

Reports are of about 3500 attendees. 1500 inside, 2000 outside.


I was overcome with emotion while watching the news last night. What a terrifying ordeal. My children were friendly with several young people now serving in the IDF and I can only imagine how their families must feel. My heartfelt sympathies to those of you with friends and family caught up in this conflict.

If one wanted to donate money to help Israel which one organization would you choose? I’m thinking United Hatzalah (https://israelrescue.org/) Any other suggestions?

Yes to Hatzalah. That seems to be where all orgs are pointing to for avenues to donate.