War in Israel / Gaza (Non-political Thread)


We had an active shooter drill at my school today. It was scheduled and I knew it would happen today. I e-mailed the principal to plead that there were too many staff and students that are on edge right now and it was not a good time. We have many students from Israel, a high Jewish population and there was a lot of concern the day before for the “Day of Jihad”. I was ignored.

During the drill today I was with a special needs student that I needed to keep quiet. I didn’t think I would be so triggered but it was really tough. Luckily, I had a job to do and was distracted. I was having major flashes of what it was like for my family to be in the saferoom trying to keep their kids quiet (their story has been all over the news and you can get the story through the Instagram account up thread) .

An e-mail went out after with a document to fill out as feedback for a debriefing. I couldn’t fill it out. I literally do not know what to say. I am at a loss for words for how insensitive it was to do that drill at this time.

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Or is this the actual time they should be doing this

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These drills accomplish nothing. And there is research that the impact they have on mental health does not warrant them.


I am so sorry that you and your students had to do this today. I am at a loss for words at the insensitivity too. Just… no words.


Yeah, your staff and students just got the worst lesson in empathy today.

I would be livid . Parents should be as well.


Could you send a link to the major news source that has confirmed this as proven – I’m interested to read it. I couldn’t find it on a quick scan of NYT, WSJ, AP, WashPo, Times of London. All the articles I saw were still quoting the conflicting accounts of responsibility. Thanks.

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I believe Israel.


A composite of the many hostages taken by Hamas in the attack in southern Israel on 7 October.|465x279.09452820599694

Are pics of some of the hostages allowed?

I thought this was good.

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More than video is coming out now. Israel has made public a recording of hamas speaking with Islamic Jihad, within minutes of the blast, discussing their rocket fire having hit the hospital. Hamas knew it, right away. IDF presents evidence misfired Gazan rocket caused hospital blast, slams Hamas 'lies' | The Times of Israel


The blame game doesn’t help any of the victims and people just wanting to have a life to live on either side of this mess. Keeping score of strikes or even more gut-wrenching, lives lost is a kind of math that tears me up.


President Biden stated in his press conference with Netanyahu this morning that the Gaza hospital blast appears to have been caused by “the other team” and not the Israelis


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Such a tragic situation. The idealistic side of me laments the fact that all the resources spent on war could not be used toward helping people (feed the hungry, etc) rather than killing them. We humans have such a complicated web of countries / governments.

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I think we will see a lot of this here soon.

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Well said! As in every war there are innocent people who are just trying to live their lives and don’t want war and don’t endorse terrorism and killings.



It doesn’t help the civilians but there needs to be an accounting of something as tragic as 500 people dying in an explosion at a hospital and who is actually responsible. Yes, that does actually matter.


Sure. Don’t disagree at a higher level. But it is my opinion that as civilians or onlookers or friends/relatives of those affected, thinking about what we can do and to be empathetic, a score card feels like a blame game to me.

You don’t have to agree with me.


How do we know the actual count of the # killed at the hospital? Who could produce it so soon after the incident?