Warm Wishes to All Who Applied -- Regardless of the Outcome

<p>Now that the decisions are in, I would like to extend hugs and warmest wishes to everyone who had the guts to apply to Harvard. </p>

<p>Because virtually everyone who applies could be successful at Harvard if Harvard had the space to admit them, just the fact that you applied, more than likely means that you have what it takes to have become a Harvard grad. </p>

<p>Keep that in mind no matter what the admissions outcome was for you.</p>

<p>Also remember that while Harvard is a wonderful college, your own character and what you choose to do in college and afterward will determine your life journey more than where you go to college. </p>

<p>No college guarantees students wealth, fame or great success in their fields. Many famous, successful and wealthy people have gone to little known colleges or haven't gone to college at all. When it comes to Harvard graduates, many famous and wealthy graduates made their accomplishments on their parents' wealth or their parents' success.</p>

<p>If you didn't get into Harvard, I hope that you realize that a Harvard rejection is not a rejection of your intelligence or hard work. I also hope that you'll look with favor on the college choices that you have. Since you were good enough and confident enough to apply to Harvard, you have a lot to offer whatever college you choose to go to. I am sure that college, too, will have a lot to offer you from new friends to life enhancing academic opportunities. </p>

<p>If you got into Harvard and decide to accept that invitation, I welcome you from an alum perspective. I hope that when you go there, you'll dive into the wonderful opportunities that Harvard offers academically and in terms of ECs. You will probably never again in your life have set before you such an extensive banquet of opportunities. </p>

<p>I hope that you'll do Harvard proud by using the experience to help serve other people, not just yourself. I also hope that you'll reflect Harvard well by not acting like a Harvard acceptance makes you better than other people. There are few things more embarassing to me as an alum than to see Harvard acceptees making asses of themselves on boards or in public by putting down people who didn't get in or are applying to less competitive colleges.</p>

<p>wow, thanks northstarmom...that was very kind of you.</p>

<p>Actually, on behalf of everyone around here, I think this would be a great opportunity to thank you, Northstarmom, for everything you've done to help the people on this board. Your posts are always so clear, well informed, and insightful, and I can't even begin to express how valuable your explanations were to me as I tried to navigate my way through this perilous admissions process. If Harvard can teach us all to think and write so clearly as you do, then it will have been a worthwhile four years.</p>

<p>kitkattail and someone,
Thank you for the kind words. I have enjoyed getting to know the various students on this board, and I genuinely wish you all well wherever you end up going to college.</p>

<p>thnx northstarmom, even though i did not make it to harvard, tt's fine with me, itz harvard :p ... it was a learning experience abt the whole US admissions process, specially for an international student like me.. :)</p>

<p>hey Northstarmom where you on a college admin board? Was it Harvard?</p>

<p>I dont know why i clicked on this thread i dont have any intention on applying to Harvard next year...unless you consider Duke the Harvard of the SOuth. =)</p>

<p>I am a Harvard alumni interviewer who has given a lot of support and advice to students posting on this board (and elsewhere on CC).</p>

<p>northstarmom - </p>

<p>thanks for all of your help assuaging our fears/desires/expectations of the admissions process on this board. I was just admitted to Harvard, and I'm thinking about going - alot of it because of the rebuttals youve had to every negative barb slung at Harvard. Thanks again.</p>

<p>I'm really glad we have people like you Northstarmom to encourage everyone no matter what happens to them and give sound advice. Some people think if they don't get into a certain school, it's literally the end of the world. I know so many people who went to no-name colleges and are very successful today, including my very own parents. People do tend to think that going to a prestige college will get them where they want to go easily. </p>

<p>And of a course a Harvard or some other elite college rejection doesn't mean that you are a waste of a person. Thank you so much for your advice. :)</p>