I am the sole student rep. for the school on the WASC accreditation committee in a highly competetive private christian international school in Korea. I oversee the School Wide Action Plan and how the school can improve its administrative decisions that impact the education of the students at the school…
Sounds impressive, but really, how important is it on my college app?
<p>Hrmm. I'm the WASC Accreditation Student Advisor, and I never put that on any of my college applications..</p>
<p>Honestly, if you were to ride back on that EC alone, then you are pretty desperate there...</p>
<p>And the way I see it, you go to a "highly competitive private Christian international school in Korea.." I go to a school in mid-city Los Angeles, failing under No Child Left Behind and other performance indicators, and we struggle every year to get accreditation DONE, much less pass.</p>