Wash Post Article: Roe vs. Wade decision impacts college decisions

My reasoning is Asian Americans are 5% of the population but are way over-represented at prestigious universities.

There are numerous case studies/articles/research by Asian Americans/Model Minroty etc etc that discusses why Asian Americans chase prestige.

Anecdotally, we see this on CC. How many Chance Me T20 universities are Asian kids?

Will Asian STEM kids (I use STEM because Rice is primarilly a STEM school and Im familar with it) forego Rice University because Texas eliminated abortion rights?

I think some but there are probably so many applicants, it wont matter.

If 40% of Rice students are Asian, how many Asian applicants do we think Rice gets every year?

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Unless there are a lot of new folks who registered to vote within the last month and a huge proportion of them were Blue, your explanation doesnā€™t explain how two polls back prior to Dobbs came up with a toss-up in our governorā€™s race and the one Fox poll released July 28th (give or take my memory) came up with a huge Blue lead.

Again, these schools are super close to the NJ border. Thereā€™s no reason at all for any student to pull them from a list based upon health concerns. In TX the difference is the law allowing people to charge anyone helping someone getting an abortion and TX is a big state without a quick access NJ type of state nearby.

Not only that, but how many of them are internationals being specifically targeted by Rice?

Rice seems to be less than 10% international and it gives ethnicity of enrolled domestic students.

I never thought I would say this, but can we please talk about the impact of the overturn of Roe v Wade on college selection.

Perhaps the discussion of Rice, and in particular the subject of Asian-Americans at Rice (or any other college) or Asian-American coital data, can continue on its own thread


I would say that the eastern PA universities will be less affected by changes in PA law than even western PA

Many schools in the Philadelphia and Lehigh Valley area.



Lots of flags on this thread so I am closing temporarily.

This topic was automatically opened after 9 hours.

@skieurope asked if we can move on from Asian college students and if we would like to keep this open, since it was just opened, could we respect that. Pretty please!


I think it will have a tremendous impact on smaller LACs in very red states, e.g. Grinnell.

And with the news of Indiana this morning, I expect that will give pause to many students looking at schools there.


Eli Lilly, which has its world headquarters in Indianapolis, just announced itā€™s going to be expanding its workforce OUTSIDE Indiana because of this.

The analogy to students and colleges canā€™t be missed.

For example, many of our family/friends are ruling out places like TX, FL, and IN as places to live/work/study. Will others take their places? Sure. But itā€™s the further fragmentation of the ā€œUnitedā€ States.


Those worried about Pennsylvania: PA is not really a Republican state. It is, however, ridiculously gerrymandered, and so the Republican-majority legislature isnā€™t likely to changeā€¦everā€¦
However, the senators and governor are likely be Democratic, at least in the next go round. And the stateā€™s Supreme Court, which is dominated by Democrats, has kept much of the craziest shenanigans in check.


PAā€™s elected Democrat majority Supreme Court drew the latest map.


On February 23, 2022, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court selected a new congressional districts map for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Learn more about the ruling and view the map they selected on their site.

PA is a typical purple state, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are heavily blue, suburbs are mixed and the rest of the state is red. For example, Delaware county right outside Philly was solidly red for 150 years and dems swept in 2019.


Iā€™m also curious how doctors will evaluate the risk of criminal prosecution against the possibility of a wrongful death or medical malpractice lawsuit for withholding care for an ectopic pregnancy or incomplete miscarriage.


I also wonder how these types of laws will affect the mid terms. These lawmakers may well be voted out in November.