I didn’t say I’m not bothered. Thanks for putting words in my mouth.
I said I disagree with your assertion of the school. i assume the school does not believe in slavery or the beliefs of Robert E Lee - just like UVA doesn’t believe in slavery nor my company believe in exterminating people.
You’ve seen people take action in the last year - removing statues, etc. that they’ve found offensive. We did that in TN where they still lionize the first grand wizard of the KKK…they removed his statue last year - but guess what dude still has a state park named after him. Is someone racist because they enjoy it?
A college name is a brand and that brand has equity. You will argue, @Eeyore123 would argue - there’s a negative equity and you are entitled to your opinion. However, others may feel like that name, while having tarnish, has a lot of strength and meaning for its graduates, etc. And I’m sure that plays a huge part.
You didn’t see the Washington Redskins change their name forever until the pressure go so huge - and you know why? The name had value, equity. Nor the Cleveland Indians. You still don’t see others under attack like the Atlanta Braves changing.
There are many statues of confederate soldiers in the Capitol, grounds we as Americans support with our tax dollars. And many other instances around the country.
If students - black, white, Hispanic, Asian or otherwise choose to go to W&L and it’s the place for them, then great.
If it’s not for you, that’s fine too - and you should perhaps check other products you buy, places you visit, etc. because you might not love everything you see.
I won’t put words into your mouth - and I’d appreciate if you don’t put them in mine.