Way Down South Where the Land is Pineapple

<p>Wore my Bama hat while shopping at Costco this morning and got several unsolicited Roll Tides. On the way home I passed a car with two Bama flags streaming from the windows. A house down the street from mine has a huge Bama banner hanging from the eaves.</p>

<p>Tide Pride is everywhere, even in the 50th state. RTR!</p>

<p>Here in Littleton CO, in the grocery store, wearing my Bama shirt, a 70 year old man says to me:</p>

<p>“Are you wearing that shirt today because it’s the last day you will be able to hold your head high?”.</p>

<p>I replied, “No, I am wearing this because we are going to kick some LSU butt, and because they have given my daughter a 100K scholarship so I will wear their colors proudly everyday.”. </p>

<p>People crack me up!</p>

<p>We live in Tennessee where the rivalry is fierce. My daughter was at her fast food job, when a couple walks in. She asked if they are a classmates parents. They begin asking where she will be going next year. She answered Bama. The mom made a face and asked why would she ever want to go there instead of UT-Knoxville? When the scholarship was mentioned, dad agreed it was a good choice and would send his child there for that, too.</p>

<p>Sniner, we lived in Littleton until my daughter was in 7th grade. Maybe our D’s will run into each other next fall.</p>

<p>Am currently in DC and was wearing my Bama shorts and shirt while heading towards the National Mall to go running. Had a very nice man give me a “roll tide”. We chatted…he was heading to NOLA the next day. Graduated from Bama in '85.</p>

<p>Bama flags are everywhere in the state. However, when H and I had to renew our drivers licenses last week, the lady at the DMV was wearing an auburn shirt…we, of course, were wearing Bama apparel. She grumbled something, and then we mentioned that we were glad that Auburn had won its bowl game. Then she admitted that her entire family are Bama fans and that she would join them on Monday and, because of state loyalty, cheer for Bama. </p>

<p>Car flags everywhere! </p>

<p>(I must drive too fast, because I seem to lose or break mine…but I got a Bama flag in front of my home! RTR!)</p>

<p>Roll Tide. Adieu LSU.</p>

<p>Yankee Belle, where in Littleton? We are in Ken Caryl Valley, so more unincorporated Jefferson County.</p>

<p>I know that my D will be wearing her new Bama shirt tomorrow to her high school on the west side of Cleveland, Ohio. I have to admit people around here think D is crazy for choosing UA, but hopefully D will have awesome experiences to come back and report. Ohio State is the school that so many of her classmates choose, but D didn’t even want to apply there.</p>

<p>In Target yesterday afternoon and saw a lady in Bama regalia. Gave her a Roll Tide and before she could respond a southern man’s voice from two aisles away bellowed, “I heard that. Roll Tide.” Turns out it was her husband, also decked out in UA gear. Both born and bred in Alabama, getting their party supplies ready for Monday in paradise.</p>

<p>And linnylu, your daughter is crazy. Crazy like a fox. Awesome is as awesome does. RTR.</p>

<p>Really wish I had some Bama gear to wear tomorrow. Turns out it’s hard to come by here in mid-Michigan. Will definitely be stocking up when we are down in Feb. for Honor Band.</p>

<p>My son has a Bama sweatshirt and a very cool hat to wear to school tomorrow. I told him just try not to get beat up…there are a lot of LSU fans here because of transplants from LA (who come to work at Dow and Dow Corning.)</p>

<p>D is really bummed out that they ran out of Bama t-shirts at the Chicago reception before she got one. She would like to sport the Tide-wear at school tomorrow.</p>

<p>We were on the Arapahoe side of Littleton. D attended one of the Charter schools until we moved.</p>

<p>Littleton Academy? My daughter went to Littleton Prep until 4th grade. Small world. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>No, mine was at Prep too. I’m sending a you a pm.</p>

<p>Funny story from Ohio,
We have new neighbors that moved in a week before Christmas. One of my Bama sons came with me to meet them and bring them a home made gingerbread house.
The husband answers the door and invites us in. The house was still filled with moving boxes. The wife comes to the door wearing an LSU sweatshirt. I looked at my son and jokingly said, “well this visit is not starting off on the right foot”. My son them opened his coat to expose his Bama wear. The wife quickly said she was not an LSU fan and explained she bought the sweatshirt at a game only because she got to cold and needed it to stay warm. The husband left the room for a few minutes. He returned proudly holding his Alabama house flag! We all laughed and said Roll Tide!
I know we will get along just fine. : )</p>

<p>My DD took t-shirts for all her teachers to wear today at school. There are about 5 kids from her St. Louis, MO school headed to Bama next year. RTR!</p>

<p>My daughter is so excited about going to school today. She has her red Alabama sweatshirt w/ the classic ‘A’ on it. A houndstooth scarf, her new houndstooth Tom’s shoes and to top it all off she painted her nails red, AND on one finger on each hand she put a big ‘A’ on the nail.</p>

<p>She brought T-shirts for her two best friends to wear, and from watching her tweets she is randomly yelling 'Roll Tide as she walks down the hallway! LOL </p>

<p>Yah this kid is so excited to be UA bound- Capstone Honors Program this weekend to cap it all off.</p>

<p>What is it about UA that just instills this fierce pride?</p>

<p>*What is it about UA that just instills this fierce pride? *</p>

<p>It gets into your blood. :)</p>

<p>Even as a young girl in Calif (a USC fan at the time), I would watch Bama (and the Bear) and just “wow” at the traditions, the MDB, and spirit (in those days, the band performances were televised at half-time. :slight_smile: ). </p>

<p>And, when you’re on campus, it just has an amazing feel. H and I were sitting at a restaurant on The Strip and both of us had the same thought…We wish we had gone to school at Bama.</p>

<p>Buzymom3…great story…great ending!</p>

<p>My boys are wearing Bama shirts to school today in NY. Trying to get to a viewing party tonight in NYC.</p>

<p>D is at Bama and will attend the viewing party with some friends. We will be at home in FL cheering on the Crimson Tide. RTR!</p>

<p>Son is still home in Texas and returns tomorrow. UA flag is proudly flying, the family is in UA t-shirts. All of the LSU family will be at our house tonight for the game…talk about a family divided! Yet all are really proud of our only Bama baby. UA is a magnificent school and my husband and I couldn’t be more proud. </p>

<p>Woreg the shirt this weekend and several yelled Roll Tide! One store checker laughingly called me a traitor though. I laughed right back and launched into my UA marketing conversation, complete with the six figure scholarship package. The man behind me in line asked me lots of questions for his daughter. </p>

<p>Roll Tide!!!</p>