Ways of paying for college as an International Student

I got accepted to Virginia Tech as Engineering Major. Since I am an international student it would cost around 50000 USD a year.

This is high above what I can pay, I wonder if there are other ways for me to pay, or scholarships available.

I am open to every advice.

I also wonder if there are scholarships (Grants) for student who do research, since I do have a few projects.

Thank you.

The engineering dept considers international students for its Pratt Scholarship. The Office of Undergraduate Research (https://www.research.undergraduate.vt.edu/) is where most students get started on their research projects once they are already at Tech, I do not believe they offer anything prior to you actually starting classes and they probably fund your research, not your tuition… There are also funded summer opportunities for research, but these programs are also for students once they are already enrolled and the funding does not go to tuition.

Are there off school ways, like finding a sponsor etc. @financiallylost ?

@isitan Try going to www.nafsa.com It gives information on aid available to international students.

@SALSRL Funny kid.

@isitan Ooops! was not meant to be funny…It’s .org not .com. So sorry!!! NAFSA.ORG

Plan to pay. Not much in the area for aid for international students.

Sorry, I thought you were kidding. Thank you for the link :slight_smile:

@isitan Sponsorship is not a common practice in the US, those ways are really up to you to find out. undercover007 is right, VT (and lots of other US schools) don’t offer much in aid or scholarships for international students. Even the lowest income US students rarely get full grant aid from schools like Tech.