<p>Haha? You didn't win anything. Where is your Big Ten Championship?</p>
<p>Here is your sour grapes. We are co-Big Ten champs baby!</p>
<p>PSU beat you.</p>
<p>Still co-Big Ten champs baby!</p>
<p>No. You aren't getting the birth to the BCS Bowl. You aren't the champs of anything.</p>
<p>Whatever Michigan still lost. :)</p>
<p>That's right. Sore losers! :D</p>
<p>Actually, the Buckeyes get at least a share of the Big Ten title. But more importantly, Alexandre must now post a picture of himself wearing a Buckeyes shirt :D</p>
<p>lol i'm not sure if he can do that since he lives in dubai and i doubt if u can find a buckeye t-shirt there</p>
<p>Well, he could get one in Ann Arbor while he's there...ehm...heh. If he doesn't get lynched while doing it. (hey, look at that, 800 posts)</p>
<p>lol lynched. i just want to see his face literally how he looks like.</p>
<p>HA HA. I can laugh now. Cuz Penn State is outright Big ten champs. All that talk about JoePa. Hey, and had Fresno State beat USC last night, Penn State would be off to the Rose Bowl.
All I can say: PENN STATE IS BACK!!!</p>
<p>maguo get outta here!</p>
<p>You all know that JoePa is the greatest coach ever.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that Ohio State doesn't appear anywhere among
"CC's top universities," or anyone else's top universities for that matter. Ohio State football players get course credit for taking football! Your comments about Michigan--which is ranked among the top universities in virtually every field-- are obviously motivated by envy.</p>
<p>BUMP (for when Alexandre gets back)</p>
<p>didja find that OSU shirt yet, Alexandre?</p>
<p>No, I did not have time to find a S&G shirt. It is on my to-do list. I intend to hold my end of the bet. I will post a picture of me wearing a Buckeye shirt. It was a great game and the better team won.</p>
<p>Who's side are you on anyway, Eng_dude?!</p>
<p>Maguo, I for one agree that JoePa is the best coach ever. The man has incredible coaching ability and he is a great person and rolemodel. When Michigan lost to OSU, I wanted PSU to win out because he deserves this sort of season.</p>
<p>scarlet + gray > maize + blue (on the football field, at least)</p>