We hear all about the positives, but what about the negatives?

<p>Hi all.
So im currently a freshman at CSUMB and in the process of trying to transfer to one of the UC for Fall of 2010.</p>

<p>Iv read a lot of posts regarding whats good about this school, and whats great about that one, but I did not stumble across to many that mentioned the negative aspects of some of the UC’s.</p>

<p>soooo i was wondering
if you can help me out</p>

<p>if you can state a fact or two about what you DONT like about your UC

<p>it can range from anything like mantaince has their leaf blower on too early in the morning, to the school is empty during the weekends</p>

<p>it doesnt matter
but also if you could add a fact or two about what you ABSOLUTLY LOVE about the place</p>

<p>anything you guys have to say will really help me out!!
thank you soooo much </p>

<p>(p.s i realized this was already posted in the uc transfer section but it would not let me have more than one tag)</p>