Weather in Blacksburg, Virginia

<p>Hi , I d like to know about the weather in blacksburg :) </p>


<p>Limp Chuy would probably be able to answer this best. I would assume with it being out by WV, and in the mountains, that they do get some snow in the winter, and that is gets decently cold. Just a guess. I am wondering if they have some kayaking spots out there- anyone???</p>

<p>There's a little bit of snow in the winter. We usually get one or two decent (+3 inches)snows a winter. It's pretty windy here during the winter. It doesn't really get that cold, but I guess that's relative to where you come from. The falls and springs have pretty great weather though. You can go kayaking at the New/Gulley river about an hour or an hour and a half away, there are probably some closer places but the New/Gully is one of the best whitewater places east of the Mississippi, so I figure the kayaking is good too.</p>

<p>having lived there for 7 years and also other places around the country...B burg has the best weather ever. very defined season unlike the north where it goes from freezing to hot in like 4 weeks. you get your nice snowy winter and hot summer and the nice spring, fall in between. just as you get sick of one season, you move on to another. </p>

<p>virginia and north carolina in my opinion are the best place to live. nice weather and no hurricane or tornado and not prone to other natural disasters.</p>

<p>Not really. A popular nickname among students for Blacksburg is Bleaksburg, since winters tend to be cloudy and windy without a lot of snow. I'd trade "defined seasons" for either snow in the winter consistently enough to do stuff with it or it not being so cold and windy and dark during the winter. The winter weather isn't really BAD, just not good. Spring/fall are awesome though.</p>

<p>The snowfall in Blacksburg varies dramatically from year to year 'Average</a>' snow totals drift over the years - . The last few years haven't been anything to write home about.</p>

<p>lived here for 5 years already
to be hones i hate the weather
cold in winter, very short summer and sucky spring with lots of rain.
i like warm tropical weathers better.</p>

<p>the wind is brutal. it could carry small children and animals. sometimes its raining and windy and i feel like i'm trapped in a hurricane. A cold wind can cut through two layers of clothes and will murder your ears and face. however it will make you enjoy the beautiful days where volleyball courts are full, basketball is going on, people are grilling, and hot girls are sunbathing.</p>

<p>I heard that the weather can be very unpredictable most of the time, some of the students even say that there are even some times where it snows in the Spring.</p>

<p>It can go from 30 to 70 to 30 again in a week. It can go from sunny to a bad thunderstorm two hours later. You've really never got any clue what's going on weather-wise here.</p>