<p>I go to Webster right now as a freshman MT. My class is amazing, we are like one big supportive talented family. The staff are incredibly knowledgeable, understanding, and challenging. My life has never been busier, and as an MT major I have a LOT to cover. Between acting, movement, voice/speech, musical theatre, music theory, 2 ballet classes, jazz, MT Dance Styles, private voice, piano, MT voice with Neil Richardson, text analysis, and seeing acting, MT, and directing major student directed shows every Tuesday I am BUSY. But I also have never learned so much in such a short amount of time.</p>
<p>THERE IS NO LONGER A CUT SYSTEM! Although some people do leave, that is because the faculty looks out for all of us and some people find that being in a conservatory is not something they would like to do. The first few weeks the faculty repeated that they are here to support us, but also to push us, and for all of us not to be afraid of failure because that is how you learn. The conservatory (techies, theatre design, acting, MT, and directing majors) is a great place to grown and learn together unlike any other environment i have been in.</p>
<p>You are able to audit classes as you wish as long as they don’t interfere with your basic schedule. I am auditing 3 dance classes, and i am learning to much. Seniors that have taken dance since they were 3, say their classes challenge them.</p>
<p>Also as a student I have over 500 musical librettos and scripts, all musical theatre anthologies, and MUCH more music at my finger tips online thank to the WONDERFUL and GENIUS Neil Richardson.</p>
<p>Finally, in a school I believe it is important to look at the graduating class. These people are AMAZING. Look up Audrey Rae McHale on youtube, she is a senior this year and is one of the most talented people I know. She and all others in the program say that if you use all of time that the program provides you will grow SO MUCH!</p>
<p>-Webster MT
Class of 2015</p>