Wedding gift question

My daughter (28) has a friend from college who lives in Taiwan. During the pandemic, the friend got married. They are having a wedding reception in the US in October for their family and friends.

What is the correct gift etiquette for this situation? There is no bridal registry on the wedding site. My daughter would usually buy a physical gift, but having the couple get it back to Taiwan would be a problem. Same with gift cards. She hates to give them money, but I can’t come up with a better idea.



Money (that’s all we give here anyway).

I’d reach out to the couple. Some in this situation don’t want gifts at all.

Money with some really heartfelt words of best wishes for the couple. A really nice note goes a long way for being a gift itself.

That or $ and a small box of expensive chocolate that they can eat before they leave or on the plane back! (a token of their trip to the states)

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Money. Maybe wrap it in a special way to make it decorative.

Cash in a card with a personal note written from the heart.

Or help with the reception. Maybe host a guest that can’t afford a hotel?

I guess it will be money. This would be the first time my daughter has given money as a gift to anybody!

She will be at a hotel herself, along with her other friends, as the reception is a bit of a drive for them.

She is very excited about this event, only the second wedding she has been to in her life!


Maybe all the US friends could go in together on an experience gift the couple could use before they leave the US - a nice meal, a concert if they have time, something at the hotel (brunch, a spa treatment).

Chinese tradition, including Taiwan, is to give money. Put it in a “red envelope” to signal a cultural acknowledgement.


Great idea…and FWIW your D can order red envelopes for weddings on Amazon (and I’m sure other places).

When I have given money recently I have folded it into hearts so it’s a little more fun. It’s super easy. Just do a search on YouTube.

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