Weddings Minus Covid

We went to a wedding where there were 500 people…indoors…two weeks ago. The parents of the bride and groom have not heard about any COVID positives after the wedding…and they would because of some vulnerability in the family.

No proof of vaccine or COVID tests or anything. And no masks at the event at all.

Sample of one….YMMV


It’s so variable. They’re very lucky.

You can choose to forgo a seatbelt and drive across the country in a car with worn brake pads and be fine. I wouldn’t do it.


Oh I agree. But I was just saying…not every large wedding turns into a super spreader event.

We went to a wedding Sunday evening. Over 100 people. The ceremony was outside and dinner/dancing were inside. No mention of Covid on invitation or website. I saw one family when we walked in who were wearing masks. The DJ wore a mask. One thing we did notice was that the oldest people there were in their 60’s.

I’m not saying I agree with it (I don’t) but I think people are just more likely to throw Covid caution to the wind at a big event in June 2022 than they were in June 2021 (and def June 2020!).

It’s almost like “for a night, I’m not going to worry about it”.


Cousin’s daughter got married over memorial day weekend. Mostly indoors - about 200 people. No masks in sight. Haven’t heard all details, but know that cousin and the bride/groom are down with Covid. Bride/Groom are right now quarantined on their honeymoon.

Blessing and a curse?! :wink:

(actually, that’s a shame)

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Went to a small outdoor wedding celebration this past Sat (couple were married in Jan with only immediate family) Sister of the bride tested positive today. Might be wedding, might not. She’s vaxxed and boosted, is super careful, and tests 3x/week (works at Broad Institute) Waiting to hear if anyone else is positive. No Covid precautions due to all outdoors. parents and sibs all stayed onsite but many have had Covid during the last few months.

I don’t, either. I don’t care whose wedding it is, I think it’s foolish to throw caution to the wind. I will be attending a family wedding out of state, and may very well not stay for the whole thing because I feel uncomfortable. I will be masked (perhaps double-masked), and will not eat or drink at the (inside) reception unless I am near an open door (it’s a barn that has a couple of big doors).Or maybe they will have some outside seating? The ceremony is in a church, and I will stand in the back so that I can go outside if it feels too close in there.


@CTTC , You might want to consider just skipping it altogether since you are very concerned. Even with what you intend to do to keep yourself safe, there are no guarantees.

We’ve already RSVP’d. It was an early RSVP. I still may back out. I’m not sure if the rest of my family (3 of us total) will go if I back out. It’s my side of the family’s wedding, and there will be hard feelings. I know there is no guarantee, of course, but really seeing all the maskless people (one particular family group there is also anti-vax) is making me not look forward to it at all.

We can only each be as safe as we choose. We can wear the best, most protective and breathable mask we can, sit outdoors or by the door, especially if we will be eating, and limit our time if we decide we are not comfortable enough.

It’s important to preserve health and the relationships we value. It can be a challenge juggling everything, especially when Covid rates keep rising, as they continue to do in our state.

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And even if you are extremely careful, Covid can still strike! These latest variants create super-duper contagion.

In my office, we are very, very careful with high-quality mask use and social distancing, and four of us (myself included) were infected over the course of two weeks recently. Ages around 27, around 30, around 65, and myself at 73. That’s out of fewer than 15 people total who work in the office instead of remotely.

Editing to add: I am still/again trying my best to be careful, post-Covid infection. Once was enough! Although I won’t beat up on myself if I get it again. All we can do is increase the chance that we won’t get sick.


But does it look like it got spread in the office, or that each got it from some other source outside the office?

I don’t think there’s any way to know. Three of these people work three days a week at the office (it’s only open three days a week!), and I work two long days. It seems likely that at least some of the cases are related.

Everyone was back at work within a week. The older two of us both took Paxlovid. The 30-something person had the most symptoms (and I believe is the most careful). But who knows.

Yup, and people can get Covid multiple times. My physical therapist’s coworker is recovering from her 3rd bout of Covid in recent months. Sadly she has long Covid too.

My husband’s cousin’s daughter will have her wedding celebration in August in Montreal. She got married in a small close family only wedding last year. I am very concerned that should I get Covid there I won’t be able to return back to the US until after 5-10 days of quarantine. The wedding website doesn’t mention any Covid requirements. There will be 2 indoor receptions.


I think part of this is is tracking what cases and waves look like at that time. If we are past the current wave at that point, the risk is much lower.

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Food for thought. I’m going to also post this on the general Covid discussion


Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion - #8695 by MaineLonghorn is a cautionary story of someone in a wedding party superspreading to others in the wedding party (including the bride and groom) during pre-wedding activities, resulting in the cancellation of the wedding.

What is means is that it would be a good idea for the people in the wedding party to self-test before each contact with others during pre-wedding activities together, as well as just before the wedding. Yes, tests are not perfect, but testing before contact during pre-wedding activities would reduce the risk of a superspreading event just before the wedding.