Weighted GPA

<p>Does Virginia Tech look at weighted gpa more than an unweighted gpa. My unweighted gpa is 3.59 (okay), but my weighted is a 4.23 (pretty good). I want to major in geography so would you say that my chances are increased from my unweighted gpa to my weighted gpa?</p>

<p>Depends on the weights applied. For example, some schools weight Honors classes at .50 extra and AP at 1.0 extra, while others do not weight Honors and only apply a weight to the total GPA, not each class. So, your 4.23 weighted could be worse than someone elses 3.9 GPA depending on the school. So, they look at all things based on your school and quality of classes taken. No wonder it is so difficult to predict or understand who get in and who doesn’t with only a GPA and SAT/ACT score. I know this doesn’t help much, but all responding will just be guessing. Good luck, I do know it is nerve racking. (waiting to hear about youngest son’s admission / oldest is at VT now as a Junior Mech Engr major)</p>

<p>thanks bboop42! Yeah it is very nerve-wrecking! </p>