Weird School Life, What can I do?

<p>Hey, guys:</p>

<pre><code> I am currently a “senior” in a Canadian high school, but I jumped one grade last year( gr 10) since I didn’t want to waste one year to take the boring classes(in Canada, its really not hard to get into a university including the “world-class” ones). The problem is I started to consider applying to the skools in the States this May after my teachers promised to move me to gr 12. In the last several months, I thought I was able to finish up all the application stuff and get into one of the top schools in the States.

<p>But the way things went was not really as what I expected. I spent probabaly 3 months preparing for the SAT test ( before May, I never heard of SAT) and sort of did some ECs. I got my mrks back at the beginning this month, and I got 2000 sth, not tooooooooooo bad, but really bad enough for any Ivy schools. Though I was planning to retake it in Dec, but last week I realized I was not sure if I could bump my scores by 300+points plus my current ECs can not help me stand out either( I bascially didn’t do anything before I decided to apply to the schools in the States, cuz in Canada you don’t need any Ecs). btw, I got to study till 3~5 inthe moring for the SAT everyday, I didn’t even have time for my schoolwork.Even so, I still can’t be positive about my chance of getting accepted, as the schools I want to apply to are really good, but of course very hard to get in. ( I will only apply to schools that are better than U of Toronto,cuz its not really hard to get into Uof T in Canada).
I am begining to have regrets about my decision. I want to stay for one more year…to do some more ECs and other stuff…but as you know, this sounds kinda stupid. So , now I have 2 choices.</p>

<li>Go to a university in Canada first, and transfer to the schools in the STates in my sophomore year.</li>
<li>stay for another year( not sure if i can do so), and apply as a freshman next year.</li>

<p>I did do some research, I know most schoool will take very few transfer students plus I am an international. But will they consider the reputation of your previous school when viewing your profile, so maybe increase my chance provided I can keep up good grades.???</p>

<li>Stay in high school(I can take some courses in a university in my city).and apply as a freshman?because the chance of getting accepted as a freahman is little higher?</li>

<p>I really can’t decide which one I shoudl choose, anyboday can help me out?</p>

<p>any input is appreciated…really need help, plz…</p>

<p>thanks in advance</p>


<p>What's your sat score on a 1600 scale b/c some schools like cornell don't count the writing</p>

<p>Oh, that will be much worse.......cuz I mainly did pretty bad on CR and</p>