Here is a collection of the known issues + a status update:
Here is a list of all the known issues (those that have scheduled post-migration, as well as those reported by the community). We’ll be updating the status as we get updates from the team.
Missing bookmark - these will be imported from the old site as soon as possible
Missing private messages (PMs) - these will be imported from the old site as soon as possible
Missing reactions (agrees, helpfuls, likes) - these will be imported from the old site as soon as possible
Missing post views (PMs) - these will be imported from the old site as soon as possible
Missing avatars - if you are missing your avatar, please re-upload it by taking the steps here
@mentions are currently not linking to user profiles (but you will still get a notification when someone mentions/tags you) - this is currently being worked on by the team
special characters are not allowed in usernames and have been changed to underscores (_); if your name was changed because of the import and you’d like to change to someth…
Let me know if I’m missing anything. We’ve grouped many of the reported issues into two big buckets (i.e. performance and post formatting), that’s why they are not all listed separately.
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