Welcome to the new CC Forums!

I do like this that the home page lists all of the forum sections and subsections.

However, it is noticeably slow to load. My guess is that the list of newest posts on the right requires time to pull from the database of posts, worsening response time. If this cannot be improved, it would be better to make this optional (i.e. not show it on the home page, but only if the user clicks on “Latest”).


Any font variations, like boldface or italic, show as such in the preview rendering when composing or editing the post, but are not reflected in the actual post.

In this post, the boldface and italic should be in those font variations.

This morning I’m having issues even from my computer (mac). An ad pops up and covers the first part of the new posts. When I tried to click it shut, an “ads by google” message took it’s place that I couldn’t close out of. Will email a screen shot.

And, the back button isn’t taking me back to where I left off but bringing me into the last thread I had open.

To get back to the list of latest posts, I have to now go back to the beginning of the list and then scroll to try to find where I left off.

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testing for ghosting.

testing icons :upside_down_face:

:upside_down_face: testing icons within the message.

+1 on pages being slow to load, sometimes freezing my computer (macbook pro).

+1 on being able to see the member who has started a thread.

Also, because CC’s search function has historically not worked or been helpful, I search for CC posts/threads thru google…all those links are now broken, will that be fixed?

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So @CC_Sorin it does gray out on a pc but don’t see double messages. Can’t do a icon within the message only after the message is typed from the smiley face icon near the link button. The smiley face within the actually message as you can see above doesn’t hold the icon even though I see it as I type like this: :grinning: but now it says no more then 3 replies in a row .

Here is a collection of the known issues + a status update:

Let me know if I’m missing anything. We’ve grouped many of the reported issues into two big buckets (i.e. performance and post formatting), that’s why they are not all listed separately.

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@momofboiler1, I am not able to replicate this. I am on the Latest Posts page then hit one a thread. If I use the Back button in my browser, it takes me to the Latest Posts page. Can you please details your process?

It’s working for me now too but this morning if I back buttoned, it took me into a thread and not back to the list of topics. Overall things have been very glitchy.

Yes, our priority is to solve for the big issues (performance, redirects, post formatting) so that we can then focus on the smaller, more specific issues.

For me personally, I’m still not getting accurate “new” posts information. Some threads, like this one, show me a number if there are new posts. Other threads that I have already opened and read, are not showing “new” post numbers but I can tell by the time shown, whether there are new posts, and sure enough, I open the thread and see there are new posts. This mainly seems to be happening in the Parent Cafe, moreso than the Class of … threads I follow.

I can’t remember if your list includes this (can’t scroll up to see the thread I am commenting on, which is another downside) but I have mentioned it several times - it would be helpful to have the Forum/Subforum and Thread Title frozen at the top of the screen while scrolling through a thread so one can easily see where they are without having to do the superscroll upward to the top of a thread.

Editing to add-I just saw under Latest Posts or whatever that side bar list is called this thread “So What Do You Think of the New Board“ with latest update 5 minutes ago. I read that thread earlier this morning, yet it is not showing me a number for “new” posts when clearly there must be new posts if the thread was updated 5 mins ago. Yep, 5 new responses since I read it this morning, but zero indication to me, other than the time stamp, that there had been any new posts since my last visit.

@4kids4us, are you able to send me screenshots of 1) a thread listing that does not show the new comments and then 2) the view you get when you open the thread (so that we confirm there are new comments). The email address is admin@collegeconfidential.com. Thanks!

@CC_Sorin @4kids4us

It may be worth checking the notification settings under Preferences to see what your profile considers a “new topic”. I believe one of the options is topics created since your last login? So if you remain logged in, presumably the blue dot would not pop up to show new posts. If I’m interpreting that correctly.

I just created a post in the What do you Think of the New Site thread and it made a duplicate.

Also, when I got the back button sometimes I get taken back to the list of threads, but sometimes I get taken back to a thread I’ve already read.

I just got this badge;

First Emoji

This badge is granted the first time you add an Emoji to your post thumbsup. Emoji let you convey emotion in your posts, from happiness smiley to sadness anguished to anger angry and everything in between sunglasses. Just type a : (colon) or press the Emoji toolbar button in the editor to select from hundreds of choices ok_hand

But the sad face I entered :frowning: does not show in the post.

I have to wonder if the # of people using the forum adds to it being glitchy and slow. Earlier this morning it seemed to flow better, now, midday -slow to load, scroll, etc.

Question: What’s the difference between the profile header and the user card background?