Welcome to the new CC Forums!

How do we make that pop up about the essay scholarship go away for good? It fills the screen when I log on and then is a banner at the top. Is there a way to mark “dont show this again”?


Can we please have a “do not show me this again” option for both the essay pop up and the USC/Stanford/Berkeley, etc student pop ups?


Of course…you get double admission brownie points for that: (a) you developed an app; and (b) it’s a non-profit to boot!

What’s happening to my bookmarks?

Some—a very few, certainly not all or even most—of my bookmarks have gone un-bookmarked with no interaction from me.

First it happened with the “Parents of the HS Class of 2023” thread, but I figured it was probably my bad, I must have clicked something last visit to it.

But then this morning I want to post on the “Colleges your child crossed off the list after visiting, schools that moved up on the list. Why?” thread, so I go to my bookmarks to head over to it and it was gone! (And also hard to search for, since I couldn’t remember what the precise title is.)

I use bookmarks for the vast majority of my interaction with this site, and so those being unreliable is rather worrying to me.

(This thread remains bookmarked for me, though, so I could find it easily enough.)

Those “contest” emails are really annoying. Any way to stop them short of stopping all email from cc?


The “unread” at the top of the page has disappeared. I still have “latest” and “new.” How do I restore “unread”?

Unread should be back now!

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Unread is back for me too, but FYI, to get to unread you can use a shortcut by holding down G then simultaneously pressing U. You can do this for new (GN), and latest (GL) too.

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That won’t work on a tablet.

True, but I use Apple’s magic keyboard with my tablet, so it does work in that instance! And I love the magic keyboard!

I’m having so many issues this week. First on my cell and now on my laptop.

Hi, I am getting a pop up asking me to make my list of schools. I don’t want to and there is no way to minimize or make it go away other than clicking through and then closing and going back to the page I want to read. I can’t imagine it is supposed to be like that! Help.

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I’m getting that too on my phone. I ended up having to open up CC from a cache to get back on the site.

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I am finding the general user experience to be entirely less satisfying than it was when I used to site previously when my older kids were going through the process. the heavy use of icons, the page jumping, the pop-ups, the ready/unread issue, the “latest” also seems to not be accurate.

I understand needing to update and upgrade platforms, but at this point, the entire site, and particularly the forums, are almost completely unusable and useless. It is really a shame, it is a great community and has been a wonderful resource in the past.

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I’m having issues this morning with the unread counts not being accurate. Laptop.

I don’t know if this is where I should put this @CC_Mike but the change in moderation, and in allowing discussions to flow and meander, is much appreciated. I really think you are doing it right! Well done.


This isn’t about the forums, but I don’t know the right place to ask and figure someone here will know: How do we report blatantly wrong information on the CC website? So, for example, the CC informational page for Muhlenberg College, which requires students to live on campus all four years (that’s correct), says that most students live off-campus (which is a paradoxical conclusion), since in 2021 only 30% lived on campus.

If this happened with Muhlenberg I’m guessing it happens with lots of other colleges, too—it appears that an automated system is scraping pandemic-influenced data and creating misleading information based on that. So how does that get fixed?

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I may not be remembering correctly but I seem to recall that the college specific information was able to be edited if incorrect. I’m getting a bad gateway message though when I try to go to Muhlenberg’s site.

You can let us know on the forums (in this category is just fine) and we’ll get someone to take a look and update it. We use a well-known industry-standard source for college information (we pay for it actually). It’s disappointing that some of the information is so wrong. We faced the same issue with our EA/ED deadline threads. Eventually we just had to go through and update them by hand.


This is what college counselors have to do for dates too in the various industry software programs like College Planner Pro. These software programs either pull in Fiske, or a similar source, and counselors have to go thru and verify each school’s deadlines one by one. Seems there should be an easier way!

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