Welcome to the new CC Forums!

The ability to search within the College and Universities A-Z forum went away recently (seemed to coincide with the maintenance work). There used to be a field at the top of the list of options where you could type in your search. Now that field says “None” and no search option exists. To find the college or university you are looking for you must now scroll through the many options to find it. Not sure if this was intentional, but it certainly doesn’t help with accessibility.

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@CC_Mike adding…I used to be able to hit the three little dots when I had my list of bookmarks up…and “delete bookmark” came up. Now…nothing happens when I tap those three dots!

Anyone else have trouble posting longer messages? I’m on an iPhone. The box is very finicky.

Yes. The bottom of the reply box gets cut off for me and then 1/2 the time the reply button doesn’t work.

IMO, the “new” CC hasn’t worked well on the iphone since it was launched.

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Exact same issue.

@CC_Mike - I am having all kinds of problems with some specific threads. I tried reading the “how can I get into Stanford” thread and when I clicked on it, it took me to a “talk to a Stanford undergrad” page and the only way to get back to the forum was exiting and re-entering the site. It started last night and is still happening this morning. (On my iPhone).

The “dismiss new” button isn’t working for me. PC.

The page still bounces when I try to go to the top or bottom of a thread but I work around it.


Is anyone else having pages hop around? I’ll be in the middle of reading a post and suddenly the page hops around and I have to scroll around to find the one I was reading.

This has been happening for days. iPad 8

This has been happening on my iPhone for a while now.

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Me too.

Same here on phone

There is an “x” on the bottom right corner (you may need to scroll) to close.

I reported the issue on a different thread.


When I went back the new posts had indeed been dismissed but when I originally hit the button nothing seemed to happen. I think there is a delay, but it works.

Delete button for bookmarks was made darker today:


Looks great, good job :slight_smile:

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I should amend this to add that this occurs while using an iPad. I also used a computer and the search functionality worked properly, so this may be limited to certain interfaces.

Any update on when you will be working on updating the app?


Is there a way to permanently stop those pop ups on the page? I close the X on the “giveaway” but it returns. IMO it detracts from the quality of the site.


Surely there must be some HS student that wants to include “developed app for College Confidential” on their application. :joy::joy::grin:


For free…right?

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