Well Wishes for Aphimommy

<p>It’s all just Greek to me…</p>

<p>Best wishes on your speedy recovery ahpimommy. The funniest thing I have to offer is NRDson’s latest exploit, but that will have to wait until we know the stitches will hold…</p>

<p>So sorry to hear that but man…plastic surgery…make the most of it! When my knees were replaced, I tried to talk them into giving me extra long replacements so I could “grown” an inch or two. Then I had my gall bladder out and tried to talk the surgeon into a simultaneous tummy tuck. Honestly, it would only have been another couple of slices and a few more stitches!</p>

The only way Auburn can gain yardage is to run their game films backward.
Did you hear about the Georgia player who asked his coach to flood the field so he could go in as a sub?
The LSU player wore number 78. Unfortunately, that was his SAT score.
Cyrus Kuondijo is so strong he can pitch horseshoes while they’re still on the horse. He doesn’t eat honey. He chews the bees!</p>

<p>i guess i am dumb, but i still can’t figure out your screen name.</p>

<p>i could be on board with adpimommy, or even aphimommy (i thought that was your screen name for a long time, but that was confusing, too, since i knew your daughter is not an aphi)</p>

<p>Mike, I am like nrdmom, all greek to me. </p>

<p>Either way…</p>


<p>Or even mommy dearest…just get better fast! Sorry you are going through this. I need to wait for a good joke to pop up on facebook to post one of those for you!! </p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>Sorry, no jokes from me but I wish you a very speedy recovery.</p>

<p>Ahpimommy- Take care of yourself!! Thinking of you and praying for a speedy recovery!!</p>

<p>Wishing you a speedy recovery! Take care of yourself.</p>

<p>Okay, I’ll add a rivalry joke. What does an LSU grad call a Tulane grad? Boss.</p>

<p>Ok, I’ve got one:</p>

<p>Q: How many sorority girls does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: Six. One to screw it in and five to make the t-shirts.</p>

<p>There’s a Tiger Cub (as my husband is affectionately termed on MIZZOU game day) pacing the floor waiting for kickoff. He’s pumped! I hope you’re feeling better today.</p>

<p>In spirit of the Tigers v dawgs game:</p>

<p>Q: Why does a Georgia Bulldog place his diploma on the dashboard?
A: So he can park in a handicapped zone!</p>

<p>:) :slight_smile: :)…I am smiling (ok so I can’t actually smile but I am inside)…love all the jokes…have been sharing them with the fam!</p>

<p>Ouch, poor Ahpi!!! I’m lousy at jokes, but I hope and pray you feel better soon. Best wishes with the surgery!</p>

<p>Science fact: there is a species of antelope that can jump higher than the average house. This is due to the very powerful hind legs of the antelope, and the fact that the average house can’t jump!!!</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>Prayers and hugs! Get well soon!</p>

<p>Hope you are feeling a lot better, ahpimommy! I can’t imagine how scary that was. Little League foul balls scare me, so I can’t imagine one hitting me from the bigs! </p>

<p>I really thought your Mizzou Tigers were going to win that game!! I was rooting for them for you. Hope you were able to go to the game. The atmosphere there looked pretty amazing!!</p>

<p>Keep us posted so we don’t worry. Good Luck!!</p>

<p>I will keep y’all posted…plastic surgeon appt tomorrow should know more then…fingers crossed that he can fix this in the office :)</p>

<p>Hope all goes well, Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Best wishes for a speedy recovery and hopefully you’ll be able to attend the Bama-Mizzou game.</p>

<p>As for jokes:</p>

<p>How many Arkansas fans does it take to change a light bulb?
Answer: None; ain’t no 'lectricity in Arkansaw.</p>

<p>Because it is good to laugh at oneself:
How many Alabama fans does it take to change a light bulb?
Answer: Three. One to change the light bulb and two to reminisce how the Bear would’ve done it.</p>

<p>I have a dear friend from Arkansas…had to call and tell her that joke! I will def be at the Mizzou- Alabama game…need this issue fixed as we have tix to the Ole Miss- Bama game in a couple of weeks.<br>
Here’s a joke for you guys…
Q. What’s the difference between a litter of puppies and KU fans?</p>

<p>A. Puppies eventually grow up and stop whinning!</p>