We're picking up the pieces, but what went wrong?

<p>My youngest S, a 7th grader who has attended a so-called highly capable program all his school life that purports to teach at least two grade-levels ahead, has done something similar. He has announced he is going to "Stunt School!" (He has a great deal of aptitude in this area so who knows...?)</p>

<p>My son and his roommate (both top students) decided to find the LEAST selective schools for their college seach assignment. They came up with Jarvis in Texas. (jarvis.edu) My son actually entered it on his collegeboard.com profile......</p>

<p>My son's find for least selective was the University of Toledo, acceptance rate 99%. He and his dog hoped to room together.</p>

<p>momrath - I couldn't stop laughing at that one. I just kept picturing the dog in a mortar board. And wouldn't you have been proud on parents' weekend?</p>

<p>I'm from England and I was going to apply to Edinburgh. It is a BEAUTIFUL city, I am not kidding. And it is big enough so that he will not get bored. Public transport in the UK is good enough so that he can travel Europe! Also, as far as I know, federal aid transfers to the UK so when he applies there, the US gov should give him some aid.</p>

<p>I went through something similar. I got waitlisted at my preferred schools and only applied to one safety-middle range school. In the end, that's the one I went to. I am now applying to transfer. So yes, your son (and GC, who really should've made him apply to safety schools) should definitely pursue the waitlist options a lot, so he has the option of Scotland and America.</p>

<p>If you want any info on the UK, please feel free to ask. You sound like a wonderfully caring mother with an ambitious child.</p>

<p>hayden, actually we have an ongoing gag about the dog's college career. Of course he wants to join a frat -- Animal House -- and is looking for a dining hall that offers a "meat bar."</p>

<p>and I'll bet he's got a low verbal score, but is great at arithmaTick. And he wants to study pre-med, because he can't wait to chase the MCAT's.</p>

Hayden, I think somebody already nominated TheDad for a Coward award for bad puns (see the Parent's Cafe thread); you're obviously intent on giving him a run for the money and claiming the award for yourself!</p>

<p>Hayden, The dog (who incidentally decided not to run off to college and instead stayed home to look after his adoptive parents in their old age) and I are highly amused.</p>

<p>Well [nods wisely] I hear he's only taking a gap year, a paws in his education. Word is that he intends to pursue his studies later, perhaps at Furman, DePauw, or - his dream school - UConn (oh, to be a Husky).</p>

<p>momrath - sorry, it's just an addiction. All my best to your son.
mezzomom - I've never been nominated for anything, including a Coward. I would be more than honored!</p>

<p>grrrrrrrrr......looks like my thread has gone to the dogs!!!! I guess I won't be hounding anyone for more advice on college rejections and waitlists.</p>

<p>tsk, tsk, no being catty!</p>

<p>This thread has Bartleby and me howling! (Anyone who's ever read Melville and tried to train a puppy will understand his name.) All the same when your kid grows up and leaves home it's nice that your dog still needs you.</p>

<p>momrath - hehe</p>

<p>bartleby - my wonderful dog passed away 18 months ago at the age of 16. I'm getting a new puppy this June, and I'm really excited. I may post a picture of her for you. Only problem is, she's a dog.</p>

<p>andi - we may be kidding around about Bartleby (my poor dog looked more like the great whale), wait til your S gets off the waitlist. Then you'll really hear howls of joy from each of us. Good luck, we're really thinking of you. Everytime I open up CC, the first thing I look for is a post from you.</p>

<p>Thanks so much Hayden. The tail will be continued....maybe next week...we're hoping he gets in, even if it's just by a whisker...</p>

<p>Please post the photo of your new puppy when you get him.<br>

<p>Bartleby is a great name for a pup. </p>

<p>Or a great name for a person like me who for the moment is holding the pup-free line!</p>

<p>(PS: hayden, you have been summarily nominated.)</p>

Bartleby is a great name for . . .a person like me who for the moment is holding the pup-free line!


<p>At this moment it's my son who deserves the name as he's assiduously avoiding end of the year studying. Bartleby III.</p>

<p>andi ~</p>

<p>We too received the "thanks, but no thanks" message from my son's first choice. We were absolutely devastated. His first choice was the Air Force Academy and he was told by teachers, gc's, and even the Congressional and Senatorial review boards, that he was "a lock". He wasn't. When we called the admissions board, we were told he had a "less than 2% chance" of getting in and only if enough other applicants turned down there appointments. We did have a Plan B and were working on that when the call came that he had beat the odds and was going to the AFA.</p>

<p>Good luck and Best wishes!!</p>

<p>AFAMom that's exciting!!!! You must have been ecstatic!!! Best wishes to your son. I won't give up hope!! Thanks.