Wesleyan Campus Pictured in Today's Sunday Times

Just a note that today’s Sunday Times features a slew of snapshots from the Wesleyan campus including this one of the central quad:


Visitors to an open house standing in front of College Row:

a packed Chapel:

and this historic picture of a 1964 commencement:

I might add that I can spot several of my old professors on that terrace, including the very young-looking David Swift (Religion) on the far left, and David McCallister (Anthropology), fourth from the left. Dr. Victor L. Butterfield who was a revered President of the university, is the pensive looking man to MLK’s right.
What College Admissions Could Look Like Without Affirmative Action - The New York Times (nytimes.com)


The Pac addition appears to be coming along nicely.

I’m also looking forward to reading the article on affirmative action, always an interesting topic.

Thanks for posting @circuitrider .

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I should hasten to add that the actual hard copy of the article is on the front page of today’s (Monday, 1-16-23) edition of the Times.

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But it’s also nice that it’s been posted all week on the front page of the online version:

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