Wesleyan Class of 2027 Official Thread

Thank you so much for your thoughts!

I think one of the big reasons the energy at Vassar might seem lower is that along with the 60/40 gender ratio, a lot of the boys that are “missing” are the football, hockey and wrestling team members since Vassar does not offer these sports.

My son and 6 of his Wes friends went to NYC this weekend to see the Friday night Yankees game and then spent the weekend at one boy’s apartment. They took the Metro-North train back to New Haven this morning with a quick Uber ride back to campus. He loves it at Wesleyan and has made a lot of friends while getting a great education.


He did receive aid - very consistent with the bottom line cost he has from his other schools. I’m not sure if he sent a loci, but he did indicate somehow that he wanted to remain on the waiting list.

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Thanks for this and makes sense re: Vassar. My daughter was delighted to hear students are going to NYC and with ease. Wes is great!

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You picked two tough ones in terms of looking for differences. Some of them have been touched upon. They’re both very strong in the arts, with Wes having an edge in film and Vassar in other areas of the performing arts. Both strong in the social sciences. Wes may have an edge in things like physics or astronomy, and some say Wes has an overall edge in the hard sciences. For all intents and purposes, these schools are close enough across the board that I would put most of my focus on nuance. The campuses look different, with many people commenting that Vassar’s is the much prettier of the two. But Wes has a great campus and is doing a fair amount of capital investment in their physical plant right now. I myself would take Middletown over Poughkeepsie, but others are saying that the latter is changing a fair amount so maybe that’s a close call too. Their histories are quite different but they are both very good LACs. I don’t think there is a mistake to be made here.

The one area that is quite different is sports. Wes is a NESCAC school with men’s football and Vassar is a Liberty League school with no football and overall places less emphasis on sports. While I wouldn’t say that the presence of football at Wes has much if any impact on campus culture, it’s there. Overall I’d say you’re likely to find a few more bros at Wes than at Vassar, but both have a ton of kids who aren’t into sports at all and who don’t fit any description of a bro. If you like the ‘weird’ vibe, there’s plenty of proud weird at both schools.


Thank you!!


Any updates on the waitlist so far.

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Which school did he pick?

Wesleyan!! :tada: :tada: :grinning:

Congratulations. She won’t be disappointed.

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My DD has committed to Vassar and is very excited about it. She is on the waiting list at Wesleyan. If she hears anything, we will have the same decision to make.


Congratulations to you and your son.

What did your daughter decide? :slight_smile:

Wesleyan :star_struck: