Wesleyan ED Fall Admission 2022 Discussion

My D just found out she was accepted ED. Stats: SAT: 1500 (740, 760). GPA 4.51, Rank: 3. WNts Theatre and Comp Sci. Good luck to you. Crossing fingers


My D just got accepted! Yay!


Best to you. Go get em!


That’s awesome. My D as well… Maya from NNJ. Yay!


Daughter got accepted. We are thrilled. Congrats to all!


Our son is in! He (like his parents) is over the moon. 4.5 GPA, 1540 SAT, no school ranking. He can’t wait to start next year!



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Agreed. Those stats and slotted with a pre read should result in admission. This happens everywhere but I’d nonetheless call. The coach owes you an explanation.

When we went through this process, I talked to the coach personally on the phone. With all the usual qualifications that no promises could be made, he explained to me what we all now know about the process, and that is that being slotted means that admission Is more likely than not.

The key point that you need to make in this conversation is that your daughter used her ED chip on Wesleyan rather than elsewhere. And now it’s too late to use that with another coach in the same sport at another school. And she made that decision based on an expectation that with her stats and coaching support she’d likely get in.

My expectation would be that the coach has a conversation with admissions to find out if there was a problem with her application. Make sure there are no misunderstandings etc.

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May I ask, if the coach will offer her something like “Likely Letter?”

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Likely letters are not allowed in the NESCAC conference. At the schools that do send out likely letters, they come from admissions, the coaches have no control over likely letters.

So did you get accepted? My D (Maya) got in. She was Captain of Color Guard (part of CG for 4 years) and theatre. You two have a lot in common

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Congratulations to all who were accepted! This is a huge accomplishment and you have much to be proud of! If you don’t mind me asking, were any of you who were accepted recruited athletes?

In answer to a question above, we confirmed with DD’s coach that he fully endorsed her and was “shocked” by this deferral decision, particularly given the very positive pre-read that admissions gave her.


What is the next step? Is the coach going to speak with admissions and get back to you?

Things like this do NOT look good for the school nor the coach. I work with many student-athletes and will hesitate to recommend Wesleyan now…with two students on this thread (a small microcosm of the entire pool) seemingly having the same experience this ED round. It’s unacceptable in a process governed by people’s words and trust.



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Thanks. May I ask do you know any other D3 conference give likely letters?

@circuitrider are you hearing this? Any insights? This is going to hurt Wesleyan’s ability to attract student-athletes, but maybe they don’t care and/or have shifted priorities?


If my daughter, as a recruited athlete, were applying next year, I would not consider Wesleyan. That chip is too valuable to waste; you only get one. I know this happens, but the kids on this thread who were not accepted were really, really solid. Obviously the school doesn’t care.


I know the UAA conference allows likely letters, and know that both U Chicago and Case Western send likely letters. I am sure there are some others too, but I don’t have direct knowledge of them. All in all though, likely letters are not so common in D3.

My son just got into Wesleyan ED as a recruited athlete. But the coach was always very clear that he would do “all he could” to help him get in and that it was “very likely” he would get admitted, but the coach was always clear that he could not guarantee it and that it still mattered whether he wrote a good essay and had good recommendations and that it was ultimately up to the admissions committee. We wanted the peace of mind of a guarantee, but my understanding is that this is as certain as you can get at a NESCAC school.


Did you hear this from an admissions officer, or did a coach tell you? Not that it matters really, just curious. Were all 25 deferred?

IF it’s true that 25 out of 70 or so recruited athletes (70 being a best guesstimate) who were fully supported with a slot and had positive pre-reads were not accepted at Wesleyan this year during the ED round, that would be FAR outside the norms of what is happening at other selective D3 schools, including the most selective NESCACs.