<p>Just wanted to ask if ANY acceptances made it over here? California, Washington, Oregon.. hell, even Alaska and Hawai'i?</p>
<p>not talking about LSP</p>
<p>nothing in the mail for me and i applied to Gallatin</p>
<p>Just wanted to ask if ANY acceptances made it over here? California, Washington, Oregon.. hell, even Alaska and Hawai'i?</p>
<p>not talking about LSP</p>
<p>nothing in the mail for me and i applied to Gallatin</p>
<p>6 kids from my school applied early to NYU. Only 1 heard back from them (he got into CAS by email). The rest of us are still waiting. =/</p>
<p>I just got into SCPS for Sports Management. Got my letter in the mail like 20 min ago. Live in Los Angeles, CA</p>
<p>so CAS, SCPS, Tisch, and I guess Stern have gotten over to CA.
anyone from Gallatin? (please no…)</p>
<p>Someone in CA heard from Stern?</p>
<p>Yeah someone in another thread. I just hope I get a Stern acceptance on monday!</p>
<p>i live in los angeles and i got into gallatin today!!!</p>
<p>lol…this is crazy…i’m only 40 mins away and no one has heard anything</p>
<p>My best friend got her acceptance letter from CAS yesterday, and we live in Southern California (:</p>