Whaat should i do?

<p>I have no idea what on earth i am going to do. Some advice would be appreciated. SO the deal is that I got waitlisted by UCSC today! UCSC!!! my safety! So I feel that I have no shot at the other colleges… So if you were in my shoes what would you do?</p>

UCB ( got supplement)
UCD (no confidence)
UCI (no confidence)
UCSC ( waitlisted)</p>

<p>ACCEPTED colleges- but miss out on freshman experience because of living at home
San Jose State
San Francisco State
Santa Clara U </p>

<p>Stats: 3.6 gpw (homeschooled part of hs)
1800 sat
sat 2 620 630
essays performing overcoming adversity
250 community service 3 year VAR tennis
life threatening disease</p>


<p>And please dont tell me to go to an CC</p>

<p>I would wait…lol.
Don’t make any major decisions or freak out totally when you don’t even have the other decisions yet. lol.
That sucks that you got waitlisted :frowning: Plenty of people don’t decide to go, so who knows? An off chance you’d get lucky? </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>wait to see where you get in, wait for the waitlist, and if not than go to one of those state schools and convince your parents that you are going to live in the dorms (sj, and sf are really far from each other to commute to both… you cant live that close to BOTH at the same time?)</p>

<p>shadow, maybe you should also consider applying to UC Merced…it might not be too late…</p>

<p>just in case</p>

<p>Hopefully you get into UCSC. Fingers crossed. :)</p>

<p>Each UC campus makes admission decisions independently, so acceptance or rejection from one campus is not indicative of your chance at another campus. I know the wait is nerve-wracking, but try to hang in there. More decisions will be out soon.</p>