Wharton Chances (ED)

<p>Location and type of school: top private school in Mississippi
Grade: Junior (as such, I have projected in my list of EC's that I will continue with my current activities)
Ethnicity: Asian-American (Indian)
Gender: Male
GPA: 3.95 UW (everyone seems to weight differently; I will have taken 14 AP's upon graduation)
Rank: School does not rank, but I know that I am in the top 10%.
SAT: 2250 (790 CR, 720 M, 740 W) --> [I think I will retake it--should I?]</p>

<p>Extra-curricular activities:</p>

<p>Taekwondo (9,10,11,12) - World champion in a field of ~1000 in 2007 (~8 hours/week)</p>

<p>Forgotten Global Crises Club (11,12) - president (~15 hours/week)
- I write a ten page (single-spaced) weekly politics update for the school
- Started a new library at my school that is home to volumes pertaining to political science, international relations, economics, and history.
- Raise international awareness through speakers and videos</p>

<p>Student Government (10, 11, 12) - prefect of the Campus Life Committee (~5 hours/week)</p>

<p>Cross Country (9, 10, 11, 12) - Captain (~10 hours/week)</p>

<p>Speech and Debate (9, 10, 11, 12) - Public Forum Debate Team Captain & Numerous local and nat'l circuit awards (~15 hours/week)</p>

<p>Quiz Bowl (10, 11, 12) - (~2 hours/week)</p>

<p>I will have logged over 200 hours of community service upon graduation.</p>


<li><p>Recipient of a $2000 global studies travel grant to work in Peru for one month. Here, I will volunteer in an undermanned hospital and do research with a local professor on the economics of global health.</p></li>
<li><p>National Merit Finalist (projected)</p></li>
<li><p>National Honor Society</p></li>

I'm aware that I don't have the typical Wharton application--no business-related EC's and a terrible SAT math score. But business runs the world. In light of globalization, it's the venue to address problems, global and local alike. My only real economics experience will be the research I conduct this summer. I certainly won't be published, though. Concerning the math score, I'll take the ACT in June, and I'm estimating ~35. I would like to submit that in lieu of my SATs. Can I do that? Do I still need to take the SAT Math II? I can take that in June as well. </p>

<p>Chances? Recommendations (particularly concerning SAT/ACT)? Thanks all.</p>

<p>I think your application is great, and you’re from a fairly uncompetitive region. The main problem I think is your SAT math score. I would recommend you try to get an 800 on Math II, because they seem to value that. I’m not sure if Penn is allowing score choice next year, but a 35 on the ACT will be great too, though if you want to retake the SAT to raise your math score, it could be worth it for Wharton.</p>

<p>Make sure you’re taking/have taken AP Calc BC if you can.</p>

<p>I got into Wharton this year, and to be honest, I had fairly little business experience. I was not in any business clubs or classes, but I tried my best to relate everything I did to business. Wharton seems to value mathematical skills and leadership ability most, so try to demonstrate those two.</p>

<p>You want a higher math score. You cannot submit ACT in lieu of SAT because you’ll still be submitting SAT II’s and those will come with your SAT. I wouldn’t fret too much about your score though. Just make sure you get a 800 on SAT II math IIc (easy with barrons book)</p>

<p>you’ll need very strong essays but with your footnote, I think you won’t have any trouble. Make sure to flush that idea out a little more though.</p>

<p>What are the AP’s you’ll have under your belt upon graduation? For good chances, I hope to see Physics C (both of em) and BC in that list. If you don’t have quants, you won’t have a good chance.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>For clarification, my AP’s will be: Biology, U.S. History, Physics B, English Literature & Composition, Spanish, Physics C, other English exam, Calculus AB (intend to self-study BC & counselor will indicate on app.), Statistics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Comparative Government and Politics, U.S. Government, and Human Geography.</p>

<p>Thanks to both of you for the input. Which SAT II Math book is the best?</p>

<p>I like the AP’s you have down. Work through Barron’s and it’s 800 guaranteed. Everything else doesn’t even make good toilet paper.</p>

<p>Thanks, necrophiliac. Other opinions? Do y’all think that I could take the ACT and submit that in lieu of the SAT I? I’m aware I’d still have to submit SAT II Math IIC, and they would still see my terrible SAT I scores; would my ACT rectify that?</p>

<p>wait did you just say your SAT I scores are terrible…</p>

<p>Relative to Wharton, they are, particularly the math score. If you disagree, I think all would agree that they are lackluster.</p>

<p>they are like average for Wharton… i wouldn’t go as far to say terrible haha but you look like you have a decent shot nonetheless</p>

<p>You have a good chance ED. Your SAT may be avg for Wharton, but for engineering I got in with a 2250 (the avg engineering SAT is 2195). You just need to maintain what you have and write stellar essays. Good luck.</p>

<p>I’m an international student who had a 2150 (740CR, 700M, 710W) and 760 Math II, 720 Physics SAT IIs. I had a 34 (33 on the Math) on the ACT, and something was seen as academically distinguished enough for me to be invited to be a Ben Franklin Scholar. I didn’t know that they only accepted the ACT so I sent both. </p>

<p>I think your application is pretty strong. Just write some kickass essays.</p>