What are my chance at being accepted to UW Madison?


I applied to UW Madison college of Letter and Science on February 2, 2015, the second notification deadline. I’m wondering what are my chances of being accepted to the University. Here are my stats below:

I am from in state
Ethnicity: Asian
GPA: 3.79
ACT score:30

Have taken 2 AP classes Junior year:
AP Chemistry, AP Statistics

3 AP classes taking or have taken Senior year:
AP Calc AB, AP Environmental Science, and AP Government

President of Nerd Club (2 years)
Math Team (2 years)
Science Olympiad (1 year)

Volunteer work:
Habitat for Humanity (3 years)
Second Food Bank (2 years)

Work experience:
Wisconsin 2014/2015 Election Official (1 day)
Assistant Researcher at UW Madison Oncology Department (1 summer)

I do have friends who have lower stats and still got in, though I suspect that my ethnicity and the fact that I applied later than the rest of my friends can play a factor in my admissions. So what is my chance of getting into the University?

Being in state helps. Yes, your ACT score and GPA is average, and so are your ECs but I think, taking into consideration the fact that you’re in state, you will definitely get in. Best of luck anyway.

Chance me?

Being Asian means many different ethnicities. Only those underrepresented have an advantage- eg Hmong and Vietnamese. Indian, Chinese and Korean Asians do not.

I presume all of your supporting information was also received by the deadline. That would be your stumbling block. Otherwise you are in that pile of last minute applications for very busy admissions staff and need to be patient.

wis75, I know that being Asian is not an advantage, however, do you know whether or not it would be a huge disadvantage?

I submitted my application, along with other items, about 3 to 4 days before the second notification deadline. That is my main concern, since most of my friends submitted their application before the first notification deadline and received their decisions in January, and thus I do not know how disadvantageous or advantageous it is to submit my application during the second notification deadline. Hopefully it won’t matter too much, but I guess only time will tell.

I’ve applied as well (out of state) during the second notification period and being an Asian, most people have told me it is likely advantageous as they’d be looking to increase diversity. To me this theory makes sense especially for in state students but on the other end of the spectrum, some are telling me it could actually make admission more difficult, so really it could go either way which is what makes everything so nervy.

As far as I know, the only benefit you would get for applying early is that you’d get a decision early. UW Madison themselves mention that they give applicants equal consideration regardless of which period you applied for, and the decision would end up being the same either way.

You sound like a great candidate. If your GPA is weighted then that needs to come up a lot I think. Otherwise you’ve got great characteristics!

Chance me for UW Madison please?

healthandmusic, no my GPA is not weighted. My school doesn’t weight GPA, which is also why I don’t have a class rank, though I would guess its probably in the 20% to 30% area.