What are my chances and when is the earliest I can hope to be notified ?

I am an International student and I applied back in November.
I got a 2050 on the SAT and my grades average at around 93%.
Several leadership positions : I run multiple websites and have several writers working under me. I’ve been the head of the literature , art , computer clubs at my school , and am called to host several events. I’ve been on the school’s debate and quiz teams and have subsequently won several awards. I have high national and international ranks in Olympiads and have been recognized for my editorial skills at MUN’s.
I haven’t been notified about my decision yet and I believe I come under the second notification period . I would like to know what my chances of getting accepted are and when is the earliest I can hope to hear from them.

Oh and I’ve applied for a major in computer science.

@Madison85‌ any help ?

What day did you apply?

This does not affect the decision, but are you full pay?

You apply to the university as a whole. You may state an intended major but you are not bound to it and it does not affect your admission chances. You are considered with all other applicants regardless of anyone’s intended, or undeclared major. You will likely find out by the end of March. UW has rolling admissions so a decision could come quickly if you are at the top or bottom of the applicant pool. Those in the vast middle need to wait until all applications are received and reviewed. Students can apply the rest of this month and will get equal consideration to all those who applied sooner.

@Madison85 I applied around the 3rd week of November. Could you chance me though ? Would you see my stats stand amongst applicants that get selected. I haven’t been postponed either anyway.