<p>Well here it goes I'm trying to get into NU's animation program.</p>
<p>1080 SAT
2.9 GPA
Amazing Portfolio, Awesome recomendations, one from a four year computer graphics teacher.
Night manager at a sub shop in my town, 25hours a week.</p>
<p>CAD 4 (Computer Aided Design) H
Animation 2 H
English 4 H
Physics 1 H
Psyhcology H
Pre-Cal CP</p>
<p>I also met with the Animation head guy Ed Andrews and sat in one of his classes for a day. I've also visited NU five times so far and have called them numerous times for info.</p>
<p>If you can truly animate, you are in despite low scores, however, I have yet to see this animation and I sincerley hope it is not "Japanimation"</p>
<p>It's the real deal, I use Maya at my home (Used to make LotR, Halo 2, and The Matrix) to name a few, and at school I use 3dsmax (Used to make Rainbow Six 3 and Splinter Cell along with Far Cry)</p>
<p>3dstudio is very easy, once you learn the controls to Maya though its a piece of cake. Theyre so many buttons to the Maya interface but once you know them all your golden.</p>