What Are My Chances At Transferring To These Schools?

<p>Last year's transfer rate at Tufts was less than 10%.</p>

<p>im not sure why you are wanting to transfer to COLUMBIA and STANFORD if you know you are not going to get much financial aid....I dont know if you see the illogical thought behind that?</p>

<p>But saying that, you should also consider perhaps getting loans to pay for your tuition. Graduating from columbia or stanford will easily cover the cost of tuition once you get into the work force. I feel perhaps you didn't put enough thought into this and I would suggest you give it some serious re-evaluation. good luck.</p>

<p>Yes, I considered both statements. </p>

<li><p>I will have a numerous amount of financial changes that will take place this year. When I told Columbia and Stanford, they said the changes must be current (i.e. before the financial aid awarding process). </p></li>
<li><p>While I realize that getting a job has a "good chance" of paying off my loans, nothing is guaranteed and I need a solid statement or cash award to cover the costs, otherwise my family will be put in serious debt.</p></li>

<p>While I realize your advice was most likely made in good thought, it was insulting for you to say that "I feel perhaps you didn't put enough thought into this" because I have been considering this issue for nearly two months.</p>

<p>Columbia and Brown are known to have very limited aid for transfer students, regardless of the circumstances. NYU is known to have crappy aid for everyone.</p>

<p>I've heard. </p>

<p>Does anyone know if SAT IIs and APs are looked at by colleges for transfer students?</p>

<p>SAT IIs are for sure. I think APs too, but it probably varies by school. If HS stats are considered, I don't see why APs wouldn't be.</p>

<p>Because some schools say they don't look at SAT II scores... but you report them since they're in the same report as SAT I scores...</p>

<p>As a transfer student (from NYU to Harvard, and got into Columbia and UPenn), here's what I know about the questions that have been asked in this thread:</p>

<p>In terms of statistics, transferring is getting harder. Columbia is about 10%, Harvard is HALVING their transfer admissions to about 5%, Yale is about 4%, etc. Some ivies, such as Brown, UPenn, and Cornell, are often considered easier to transfer to.</p>

<p>If you're transferring after freshman year, they will ONLY have your first semester grades to look at, so your HS transcript, Guidance Counselor Report, APs, SATs are all extremely important. I don't think retaking the SATs is going to be helpful.</p>

<p>In terms of money, you're not going to get any better financial aid package as a transfer than as a Freshman applicant. If what Columbia or Stanford offered originally is not enough, DON'T expect much more from them or other equally wealthy schools. Harvard MIGHT give more, since they've been trying extraordinarily hard to open admissions to any socio-economic level. </p>

<p>Finally, I wouldn't recommend Mass-applications to the 20+ schools you listed before... figure out what kind of school you want, why you want to leave where ever you go, and what the new school would offer you. Have substantial reasons for transferring.
Going in with the attitude "I'm too good for this school" or "I'm leaving after a year since I don't want to be here" will not only make you very unhappy during your freshmen year, but look awful on transfer applications.</p>

<p>In terms of transfer admissions numbers, just google. if nothing else, the school newspaper will have articles about it.</p>