What are my chances at UCs?

<p>Senior in HS, and everyone seems to be doing applications right about now, but i still don't know which UCs or State Schools are best for me. Looking to get into Engineering. What are my chances for UCI, UCSC, UCD, UCSD?</p>

<p>4.5 weighted
3.85 unweighted
ranked 8 outta 250
AP Language
AP Spanish
AP Bio
AP Calc
AP Physics</p>

<p>Piano for 10 years. Played for school/church/volunteer events
Violin for 6 Years: Played for School Orchestra
Chinese School for 6 years: Know how to read and write Cantonese
Was never into too many clubs but i did join and attend the chess, frisbee, and dodgeball club.
Intern for Local Software Company: Summer to now</p>

1980 first time. Prob get around 2050 second time
Math - yet to take (prob mid 700s)
Spanish - yet to take (prob mid to high 600s)
US Hist - 650</p>

<p>I think my first choice would be UCSD, and then my second choice UCD. Would i be able to get into either one?</p>


<p>UCSD: Match (Engineering)
UCI/UCD: Safe Match (Engineering)
UCSC: Safety (Engineering)</p>