What are my chances at UCSD, UCI, UCD, UCSB, UCLA, UCB?

<p>UC view of my GPA: 4.08</p>

<p>SAT: 2200</p>

<p>SAT II: Chinese 750, World History 740</p>

<p>AP: APUSH 5, World History 4, Physics 5, Human Geography 5, Biology 4</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars: Piano 10 years ( level advanced with honors), Badminton 5 years, Golf 4 years,
Swim Team 3 years, Varsity 1 year
Volunteered 100+ hours at a chinese school.</p>

<p>Californian resident.</p>

<p>I would say a very good chance at UCSD, UCSB, and UCI; however, a slight reach for UCD and a low/mid reach for LA and B. LA and B each have a UC GPA of about 4.17-18.</p>