<p>I am currently a rising Senior, and the summer between my senior year has been somewhat stressful. I attend a very small, private, college preparatory, Catholic High school. As you could probably infer, I don't have a wide variety of rigorous courses available to me. I'm a straight A student and am very well respected by all of the faculty, so I'm not worried about great letters of recommendation. I was hoping some of you could give me your opinions of my chances to schools like Hopkins, Emory, and Rice. If you have any suggestions on other places I should apply, please tell me.
Here are my stats:
GPA-Freshman:3.98 (UW)
Sophomore: 4.00 (UW)
Junior: 4.00 (UW) 4.15 (W)
I know they aren't as high as most, but my school is very limited on the number of rigorous classes that are available to its students. I have taken the hardest classes available at each grade level. We are considered a college preparatory school, so they are harder than most normal classes given at other schools.</p>
<p>APs-European History, APUSH, Biology-Again, I go to a very small school. My guidance counselor will make this clear in his letter of recommendation. </p>
<p>I received a 4 in AP Euro, and I am waiting for my scores on Biology and APUSH. </p>
<p>Class rank-2nd.</p>
<p>ACT-Composite:34 Math:33 English:34 Reading:34 Science:36 Combined English/Writing:32 I got a 9 on writing this time, but I received a 10 on a previous test.</p>
<p>Sat Subject Tests- Biology M: 800 U.S. History: 780
I will be taking Math I and Math II in the fall. </p>
<p>Leadership positions:
President of Student Council-Senior Year
Junior Class Representative of Student Council
Vice President of National Honor Society
Vice President of an Indian American Youth Group I helped start. Yes, I am an Indian male.
Captain of the Science Olympiad Team
Captain of the Academic Team
Captain of The History Bowl Team
Captain of The History Bee Team
Captain of the Varsity Basketball team.
During my Junior year, my class elected me President of our project for a competition hosted by a local hospital.</p>
<p>EC Activities
Academic team- 9th,10th,11th, and 12th
Science Olympiad-9th,10th,11th, and 12th.
Student Council-11th and 12th
National Honor Society- 11th and 12th
History Bowl Team:11th and 12th
History Bee team:11th and 12th.
Indian Youth-11th and 12th
Basketball-11th and 12th
Y-club-9th and 10th
Drama club-11th</p>
<p>Volunteer Activities
I have done some work with Habit for Humanity along with my Y-club- 10th grade
I have done work with The Christian Appalachian Program. I donated supplies and helped organize clothes at a local church after a severe flood ravished the area-11th grade
I participated in Safe Trick-or-Treat activity at a local motel with my Y-club-9th grade
With National Honor Society, I have helped raise money for Relay for Life, as well as collect and distribute canned food to the needy in the area.-11th grade
With my Indian Youth Group, we have raised money through bake sales for flood victims. We donated the money to C.A.P.S. We have also donated hundreds of books to our local library. 10th and 11th.
At my local hospital, I have so far volunteered 150+ hours. I am currently volunteering throughout this summer.</p>
<p>Honors and Achievements:
2nd Place at my state's competition of the National History Bowl-11th grade
4th Place in my state's competition of the National History Bee.-11th grade
I won the Gold Junior Leading Contributor Award from the hospital I volunteered at.-11th grade
University of Kentucky Book Award for the Most Outstanding Junior.-11th grade
Latin Book Award-9th grade
World History Book Award-9th grade
Health Book Award-9th grade
First Honors Certificate-9th grade
2009 District Governor's Cup Quick Recall Champions-9th grade
2009 District Governor's Cup Champions(Overall)-9th grade
4th -2008 JV Challenge Social Studies written assessment exam-9th grade
2nd-2008 JV Challenge Quick Recall-9th grade
2nd(overall)-2008 JV Challenge-9th grade
3rd-2009 Regional Science Olmpiad Cell Biology-9th grade
3rd- 2009 Regional Science Olympiad Physics Lab-9th grade
2009 Regional Science Olympiad Champions(overall)-9th grade
Geometry book Award-10th grade
European History Book Award-10th grade
First Honors Certificate-10th grade
3rd- 2009 JV Challenge Science written assessment-10th grade
3rd- 2009 JV Challenge Social Studies written assessment-10th grade
3rd- 2009 JV Challenge Quick Recall-10th grade
3rd- JV Eastern Kentucky Academic Conference Science Written Assessment-10th grade
3rd- JV Eastern Kentucky Academic Conference Social Studies Written Assessment-10th grade
1st- 2010 District Governor's Cup Science Written Assessment-10th grade
1st- 2010 District Governor's Cup Social Studies Written Assessment-10th grade
1st- 2010 District Governor's Cup Quick Recall-10th grade
1st - 2010 District Governor's Cup(overall)-10th grade
3rd- 2010 Regional Science Olympiad Technical Problem Solving-10th grade
3rd- 2010 Regional Science Olympiad Cell Biology-10th grade
1st- 2010 Regional Science Olympiad Experimental Design-10th grade
2nd- 2010 Regional Science Olympiad(overall)-10th grade
1st-2011 Regional Science Olympiad Anatomy&Physiology-11th grade
1st-2011 Regional Science Olympiad Technical Problem Solving-11th grade
3rd- 2011 Regional Science Olympiad Fossils-11th grade
4th-2011 District Governor's Cup Science Written Assessment-11th grade
2nd- 2011 District Governor's Cup Quick Recall-11th grade
2nd-2011 District Governor's Cup(overall)-11th grade</p>
<p>I know that the essay can make or break one's college chances. I have currently written a rough draft of my application essay. I have shown it to a girl who just graduated from my school. She will be attending Emory this Fall. She said that my essay was great right now, and she will continue to revise my essay as I give her future drafts. </p>
<p>If there is anything that I need to elaborate upon, please tell me.
Thank you so much for your time.</p>
<p>P.S. Also looking at UVA, UT Austin, Case Western. If there is any where else that you think I should apply, please tell me.</p>